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Hey guys, wanted to have some renders from Peak 2 for you this week, but I haven't managed to get a lot done yet. That only means I have to double-time it next week though, since time waits for no man!

We've been pretty busy doing maintenance on the Indulgence tier, a lot of which was long overdue. I'm also going to implement some changes in how I deal with content as it relates to Affect3D sets, since there's a big new development that you'll know more about come the 28th!

As you can see I've updated the banners too, but I still have to overhaul the entire landing page in general. Said banners are included in this post, so use those for whatever purpose you like :D As you can see, it's the full cast wearing exactly what was voted on!

In other great news, work has begun on the animation front. The first girl to be animated properly in blender will be Kayla, and I have sent Kayla's Daz Studio model over to a friend of mine who's a professional character artist for a full texture rework so that she's not only going to look like the Kayla you know, but also in higher definition than before! We're using the opportunity to upgrade her fidelity a bit since we had to run her through a texturing rework anyway. I'll be making a separate post about that this weekend so you guys have a better idea.

I hope to have images of the results of that to post soon. After that, we can have a poll on which other girl is going to get a similar treatment so that we have two girls ready to receive animation rigs.

Meanwhile, stay tuned! I'm not sitting still :D




Nice posters. Hope to see more soon. Surprised and happy to see news about animation stuff so soon! You mentioned another post during the weekend. Did I miss that or was it for a higher tier?


am excited we're talking about animation again!!!!


I didn't get around to putting it up. But I will still, I'm just waiting for updates from the texturing guy :)