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Best render of 2023

  • #1 Breanna working Kayla's cum-drenched cock 20
  • #2 Yelena taking Tatiana's cock while standing 34
  • #3 Kayla drenched in her own cum 39
  • #4 Nikki admiring Jessica's curves 16
  • 2023-12-31
  • 109 votes
{'title': 'Best render of 2023', 'choices': [{'text': "#1 Breanna working Kayla's cum-drenched cock", 'votes': 20}, {'text': "#2 Yelena taking Tatiana's cock while standing", 'votes': 34}, {'text': '#3 Kayla drenched in her own cum', 'votes': 39}, {'text': "#4 Nikki admiring Jessica's curves", 'votes': 16}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 31, 18, 16, 38, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 109}


Just one last cool idea that occurred to me. Why not do a poll on which shot you guys liked the best? Here are some of my own personal favourites for you guys to vote on, but let me know if there were any other shots in particular that you loved.

I've selected these for a variety of reasons. They're not really supposed to be measured on a scale of which is the most explicitly sexual, but more on which is the hottest. They're all hot for different reasons, I think, whether because of sexuality or sensuality or reasons to do with angle, pose, etc. These are the shots that most wowed me this year. Pick your fave!

#1 Breanna working Kayla's cum-drenched cock

#2 Yelena taking Tatiana's cock while standing

#3 Kayla drenched in her own cum

#4 Nikki admiring Jessica's curves



I voted 3 for the absolute dirtiness and ecstasy Kayla is displaying there lol, but it would have been the position in number 2 for sure, if you would have chosen render 33 from TRE 3. That juxtaposition of Yelena with her legs perfectly straight and her torso rotated at almost 90 degrees is just absolute perfection. Meanwhile Tati is giving it to her from behind while pulling on her arm. Just "chef's kiss"!

Anton Krstic

Easily Kayla for me


Good point although there are so many to nominate from TRE3 and others. #33 and #36 (almost the same position but from the camera's POV) are beautifully posed and realised.