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So, there was a whole bunch of content I wanted to immediately create at the start of this month and put out. But too much stuff has gotten in the way, so it resulted in a little bit of a content drought unfortunately.

I would share the reasons why, and I contemplated writing out a whole wall of text, but some things are just too personal and don't deserve to end up on the internet. So for now, just take my word for it when I say I was away from the PC for good reasons.

Nevertheless, the itch to work on what I had planned was there the whole while. I had initially wanted to get back to work last monday, but things dragged out. I haven't really gotten a chance to sit down and do anything until this weekend.

I'll be sharing content updates semi-daily for the rest of the month. I do have this entire Mari set I wanna get out the door, that I want to be about twice as large as Kayla's set from October. 30 renders is definitely not too much to ask, and the ten days left in November should be more than enough to get it done.

Hang in there, and thanks for your continued support :)

(Also: I see I have a buncha PM's in the ol' inbox, I'll be getting to those tomorrow).




Great to see you back to it. I see the designer shoes have made another appearance in gold this time, they look cool although I prefer a thin tall heel for sex appeal its nice to see something different now and again. Her nipples are gorgeous and so suckable, although if I were on set I'm afraid she'd be covered in a Kayla like load of "pearl necklaces" and stain her wedding garments lol.

Aaron Ferguson

I love the choice of going tan for mari as it works really well with her hair color as well as the gold on the shoes! the lipstick color also is just perfect!