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So on my last ONS release post I got the feedback from a bunch of you that you'd like to see more story content. It was something that I totally agreed with because it's something I missed doing, but also something I've had trouble getting back into because I just wasn't sure of how to write adult content in a way that I wanted.

As you guys can probably tell, I'm a very visual guy. I think in images and striking visuals are what inspire me. Whether that's amazing landscape photography, a great car design, or a beautiful woman. So you'd think the medium of my choice would be comics, and in many ways it is, but it's the writing element where I struggle.

It's not that I don't know how to write. I've written before. Not adult, but it's a field I've dipped a toe into beyond just writing fan fiction or Reddit prompts. So your call has been received loud and clear, and it's time to flex the ol' writing muscle once again and get it right this time. And I say this time because truth be told, a lot of what I've done so far with the LU story has been too heavy handed and I do believe a soft reset is in order.

So, on January 1st I decided to get started mapping some content. Here's what I can tell you guys so far. Note: I want to do a far bigger post with more stuff to show, but I also don't wanna keep everyone in the dark for too long. So I'm doing this first.

First things first: all girls that are currently in the cast will remain in the cast. So no worries about a soft reset meaning that you'll never see your favourite cast member again.

In this post I'm going to be sharing two stories that I think will best help establish the world of Lust Unleashed in a fun and playful manner. Both of them will feature cameos from other girls in the cast, and they'll do a great job at establishing a sort of "phase 1". Again, these are not all the stories I intend to tell.


Breanna's story is going to be lighthearted and sexually supercharged. You're going to meet her just before she becomes the beauty we all know her as, and she's got ambitions to reach for the stars.

Breanna wants nothing more than to become a Zenith Vixen - a promotional cast of superbeauties that Kayla assembled to promote the Zenith treatment. It's a life of glamour, luxury, and hedonism. With the help of her bestie Taylor, she's committed to proving she's the real deal. Together, the two girls engage in and record every type of smut under the sun. But all this while her mother's running for office! Can she balance her sexual appetite again becoming a PR crisis for her mom's senatorial ambitions?

Breanna has been a personal favourite of mine ever since I made her in 2015. The third girl to join the cast of Lust Unleashed after Kayla and Yelena, she's basically a staple of this world. I couldn't imagine LU without her. But for all that, I've never explored her background as well as I could have. That's going to change.

I want her comic series to really get into who she is. Bratty and a total bitch at times, sure. But also ambitious, driven, loyal to her friends, and with a soft spot for people once they manage to get through her exterior facade. Her comics will be written in a first person perspective, to best allow you guys to get inside her mind and discover how she thinks.


A successful businesswoman by all rights, Jordan Tyrell has but one goal in life: to cease being a member of polite society, and lose herself in a life of wanton sex. If only she had the courage to make the leap.

Jordan's mind is an endless mess of horny thoughts. Every chance she gets to slip away and rub one out, she takes. It's an almost exhibitionist desire; a part of her wishes she were caught, so that the decision about her life would be made for her. So that she would be fired from her high-paying job, and would be forced to earn her living in desperation, acting out her wildest fantasies.

One of them being a fantasy she's had for as long as she could remember - having a rock hard cock of her own to play around with.

When Jordan goes in for yet another aesthetic tweak in her Zenith treatment plan, she learns that her dream has now become reality: Carter Industries now offers a gene-therapy based treatment that allows her to grow a cock as massive as her heart desires.

She certainly has the funds the achieve her dreams. But what if she takes the step? What kind of person will it change her into? And what of her friends and relatives, who know her as a decent, mild-mannered person, and have no idea of the raging slut that lurks within?

Jordan may one day end up becoming a Carter bigshot, but before that, there's the woman we've never met before. Her life will become an absolute rollercoaster, and through that process we also learn more about just what kind of company Carter Industries is and how it manifests itself in the world. 

Just what kind of service is it that Carter offers to the average person, and how are people seen who decide to make use of its services?

The emancipation of Jordan Tyrell is an interesting counterpart to Breanna's: where Bree is loud and open with her sluttiness, Jordan tries to walk a balance, almost wanting to have her cake and eat it too in terms of being able to participate in polite society by being chaste, but wanting to throw it all overboard for a life of hedonism also. But obviously one side has to win out over the other. That process of sexual inner conflict is going to be a lot of fun to display.

Included in this will be a slight visual redesign, with an evolution in her appearance throughout the comics as well. Basically I'm going to do for her what I did for the other girls in the cast as well, and bring her appearance a little bit more in line with more recent rendering standards.

Other girls coming up!

I'm going to be making a followup post to this very soon. In that post I'll share more about some of the other girls I've been working for brand new stories on. Included there are Marcella, Tatiana, and Mari.

Kayla and Yelena are the two lynchpins of the whole LU world, so I have special plans for them too. Stay tuned!




Can't wait to see them!


Yes I got this request from someone the other day as well :) I will do that in future releases from now on, starting after the last part of ONS this month. As for the comics, naturally if I release images without comics, I get people asking for comics. I talk about comics, I get people saying they'd rather be just images. That makes total sense since everyone has their preferences and everyone gets worried that the thing they like gets left by the wayside when I talk about things they care less about. But yes in the case of comics I'd be doing exactly what you say, release them as I make them in small batches rather than wait for the whole thing to be done. I'm not gonna stop making image sets for obvious reasons, but in an ideal world they're complementary to comics, not a replacement for them. A comic is really labour intensive to create because you need to think not just about writing but also composition, and it involves setting up and rendering in multiple scenes whereas with an image series like ONS/ACE I've effectively been rendering in the same living room since August. Image sets are a perfect way to offset the slower production pace of a comic so they'll continue to be a staple :)


I definitely do not agree about the comics. Image sets are a dime a dozen imo, but add some dialogue and narration and 5 images feel like 25, the text filling in for what's missing. I do strongly agree that I would like to see content more frequently, rather than a bigger dump once a month or something.


Thanks for this update. I am a little apprehensive because I feel you are again looking back instead of growing what's here already or moving forward. It would generally be fine to do this, but you seem to go so far back that these girls won't have the form they have now, and thus are less interesting to any possible action. Maybe I misunderstood and we'll see them going to how they look now really quick, but I guess we'll see. The details about Breanna don't seem that interesting tbh if she's not going to meet up with Mari or something :D. I actually liked Jordan's story premise. PS: it looks like that's Breanna in an alternate ONS outfit. Any chance you can share the full shot? Really loved her getup in that. Hope to see more of that practical but hot stuff.

Robert D.

I for one really enjoy your comics. A bit of backstory and dialogue always makes an image set hotter to me. And I like your style of writing. I also agree with the first person who suggested posting a couple pics each week to keep us engaged and give us something to look forward to 👌🏼


Thanks for the feedback. I agree with what you're saying about girls not even looking the same because we're going so far back - definitely not gonna happen. For instance, with Breanna I want the Zenith treatment to be something that happens very early on. The core of that story is much less the transformation itself (I want to save that for someone else), and much more her own public promiscuity and how she resolves deals with that in relation to her mom's ambitions. Breanna has always been a favourite of mine because I imagine that she's much more than just a pretty girl for dickgirls to fuck. I wanna depict her in some pure girl-girl content, and maybe even (if the patrons vote for it) some other slutty adventures that might be outside of what you're used to from me. The Mari storyline, as much as I love it, is weaker if I don't explore that side of Breanna first. That said, I have a creative idea regarding the wedding set that I wanna tackle this year also! I think there's a great way to integrate both stories into one. I've added the Breanna concept shots to the post :) Just open the images in a new browser tab for max resolution.


It's good to know we won't spend too much time on old Breanna. You mentioned her mother again, is she going to appear as an actual character? Maybe there's a Zenith MILF program? :D I am very much for girl-girl content, but if the outside the normal content you're referring to is boy-girl stuff I'd rather you not do that. Mostly because there're only so many renders you can make in a given time and it seems like a waste of time to spend any of it on rendering a dude. Thx for the concept shot.


When are we gonna get any of this, LU, TRE, etc. on G4E type of format, or video at least?


If I ever decided to animate something that's above the quality of what I released with Special Lady 4 (which, honestly, did not meet my standards at all), it would barely contain any story whatsoever. It'd be mostly just sex. It's not that I don't wanna do it, but over 7 years of making this stuff I've come to discover that I love the photography side of it more than the videography side. I get it, everyone wants to see dickgirls fuck each other in glorious motion, but it's just that much more difficult to make, and if I have to choose between spending time learning new software and new interfaces and overcoming all sorts of digital problems and obstacles, vs just keeping the content flowing and getting better at rendering beautiful stuff every single year... Clearly over the years I've preferred the latter. And I still do.


Love it! Your clearly enjoying creating Breanna's stunning outfits, and I'm totally here for it!