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In Yelena's origin story, we'll first meet her long before she ascends the throne. The world is not evenly balanced. Perhaps it never was, but the differences now seem starker than ever. Yelena lives two lives: one of wealth and luxury in the United States, and a mercenary existence in Europe. She switches back and forth between the two, earning big as the head of her merc operation, and then spending big on her looks once back stateside.

For Yelena, appearance is everything. It determines how people treat her and what she can get done from them. As a woman, she believes her appearance is her greatest asset because it has the greatest influence on how the world interacts with her. This is a philosophy she has built into her work as well, and it has quick propelled to her company to become a top operator in the region.

It's not rocket science - people are suckers for a pretty girl.

As such, even during her work on the front, Yelena dresses to impress. Here you get to decide what that looks like. There are a number of concepts, you make the call!

Since the ponytail won the previous poll, don't mind the hair in some of these shots. We're voting on outfits only. Imagine all of them with a ponytail if that helps ;)

Look #1 - Post-Apoc Police:

Who wouldn't love to get pulled over by someone looking like this? And if you're hot enough, she might just do more than write you a ticket.

Look #2 - 80's Cyberpunk Aesthetic:

Fancy goggles full of relevant info about whatever she's looking at. What does it list? Who knows. Maybe just how fuckable someone is.

Look #3 - Combat Lingerie

This one might be a bit over the top but let's be honest, what wouldn't you do if you were ordered to by someone looking like this? Sidenote: the main variant of this outfit wouldn't have her nipples out by default, but that's not what I rendered so we have to make do lol.

Look #4 - Functional But Feminine:

A girl that can kick ass AND seduce you. This outfit is designed for more practical purposes. A bit harder to quickly take off perhaps, but it still highlights all her assets nicely.

Look #5 - Underboob City:

Easy access to the fun bits. Well, maybe not ALL of the fun bits. But lots of great foreplay! And what gets in the way later can always come off, of course.

Alright, that's all five of em! Let's figure out which one's the winner :D



The girls absolutely need the high heels, Herman Munsters boots don't get my bits tingling if you get my drift. LOL....I do prefer the spiky haired look but number 3 won the day for me .

Vibratos M Blaster

Maybe I've just been playing a lot of cyberpunk lately. I'm clearly swimming against the tide on this one lol.


Hahaha yeah I kinda liked that one too! But I figured combat lingerie would do really well lol.


Haha honestly with the outfits that are winning heels can work. I like the platforms though. Make her look mean.


And you can do a big one with the girls, I know this is again a laborious process, but still, if there is time, Yelena came out great in the last post


Sooo, how many people have voted Look #3 because the nips are out? ^^ Those will be very dissapointed because they didn't read the text. ^^


Well, the text does read "...the main variant of this outfit wouldn't have her nipples out by default." But we can dream, can't we?!