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Reminder to self: next time do more planning on the small scale. I had the entire large scale story for this set up, the broad arcs, the things that needed to happen. But the trouble was really in the right dialogue to convey the correct motivations and ambitions. That's what kept me bogged down for so long.

In fairness, I was really almost done on wednesday. Which was already a delay from what I promised. Then I sat on the comic for a while after recent events events in the world had me wonder if I even wanted to continue with a story centered around Russians plotting things. But I talked about that in my previous post, so I'm not going to rehash it. Honestly, it took me a good while to come to a decision on that.

But I did. Here it is. Seismic events in Lustworld! I'm glad to finally have this one behind me so the story can move ahead :D

Password: doireallylooklikeagirlwithaplan




It's sad that things like what's happening in the Ukraine are happening but I dont believe what u doing is wrong it's not like your starting the war your just doing something u feel passionate about so keep doing u friend and good luck

Jason Henry

Lovely stuff! Also, I was able to view it on my phone, so a big thank you for making it possible to do so :)

Vibratos M Blaster

Congratulations on finishing this episode!


Ah that's nice to hear! Is that because I uploaded it as a zip file? Also how readable is it on your phone? I'm thinking for future episodes I can go for a panorama resolution.


I can't seem to open it after downloading, every time I try with the Unpacker I'm met with an error message, has anyone else had this problem? Anyone know of a workaround? Thanks


No I haven't been able to resolve this, I'll send you a screenshot of what I get, see if there's anything you can suggest


Alright let me know. It's just a really basic zip archive, I'm not sure where it would go wrong.


No idea either, the message I get reads: "Error: Operation that you have just attempted has failed. You can help us improve our software by reporting this issue. Specific error has occured is: WinRTError: The parameter is incorrect."

Jason Henry

The text was readable on the phone too. No issues there at all :)


Are you using 7zip? Works just fine with that. Was prompted for the password, provided it, extracted files just fine.


no I'm using a program simply simply called Unpacker, I'll give that one a shot see if it helps thanks man


I just love this comic set! Thanks so much for making it!!!