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And maybe, if you look carefully, the hair colour isn't all you see :D

This is going to be the set I render in for my Christmas release. Tatiana has dynamic hair! That means that it will behave realistically according to density and gravity, and I can't wait to put it to use in a few nice poses.

I put out two hair colours because I like to make Tati blonde every now and again. Let me know what you guys think :D




I personally prefer black haired girls to blonds, but Tati looks amazing either way


Yeah I think black hair is Tati's game, but for non-story sets I can't help but flirt with blonde xD


There are other hair colours, you know. And million more shades of them.


Indeed Tati's hair is iconic black of course but she rocks that blonde incredibly well. I honestly would love to see her go blonde for one set though.


There are. Marcella is actually more red/auburn, and she'll be starring in this set too! But I know what you mean since I do lean heavy on exactly these two hair colours. They're just the best ones to go with the bimbo aesthetic. I think more regular ash blonde, or brown, or wilder colours like dyed pink/blue are just for different types of women going for different types of looks. I like your comment because it reminds me of what I'm making too. Bimbo dickgirls. But you know what, I'm not immune to criticism :D I'll try some others even if I don't think they're as good for what I'm making. I might be positively surprised.


I know it is only my opinion, but blonde hair and tanned skin don't match. She looks like a blonde gypsy.


personal;y prefer her with the black hair, but that's just me


Love the blonde look but at the same time the black hair is so fitting for Tati.

Raziel Crowley

My my my whom do I see. Such a lovely figure and pose. You are really something Dude. Not a long ago I was complaining that we have seen last of Tati this year, and now you drop such a bomb. She is forever raven hair beauty, but I have to admit, she is rocking that blonde color once again. Both styles goes with her incredibly well. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 And I have nothing, only biggest compliments, forward to the outfit she (you) choose. Amazing.


I'm for a brunette! There are so many blondes))

Robert D.

Black hair definitely. I personally like my dickgirls like my irl preference, with hair darker then they’re skin tone lol. Not too much a fan of blonde hair on super tan skin. Btw, I love the shiny look to her outfit and stockings. Would love to see some latex sometime. Shoulder length gloves, stockings are really hot.

Vibratos M Blaster

I'd already seen the later post with even more options, and the firey red won over, but I have to agree on the comment about the shiny look look - it's like the hose are something between silk and latex that exists in the lust unleashed world.


Change the clothes, lighten the makeup, and the blonde works!! Would love to see you create a set with Tati like that.