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As promised, a little something extra for everything in the Lust and Indulgence tiers. I did make it a little bit less hardcore than I originally thought I made because it just didn't feel right for the setting. So there's a lot of sexy action going on but for the real action, the final version of TWU2 will be the place to go.

That said, I think these shots look very good! Especially the way Breanna's hair looks is something I'm very happy with. Now the big question is how am I going to top these in a few years? :P

Password: sapphicserenity




The Dude~ you have out done yourself and raised the bar to another level The best since lust unleashed the bliss of sin Awesome work


Holy Hell. Stunning set. All three of them look stunning in the white and gold outfits. Fantastic work.


Excellent, is this a finished work or not?)


Yes between this and the solo shots in the previous bridal post, it's done :)


The elegance and beauty are phenomenal - fantastic work


Another idea might be a bridal set with the brunettes.


Normally my favorite girl is Kayla, but AUOAOHSDIASIUDA HOLY SHIT Mari is just perfection here... when she has an outfit change to the corset and those massive heels (more of them please) just GODDAMIT. I would love to see each of the girls in this outfit, but I'm sure you have plenty of other ideas we are all simply to see LOL. your art has always been on the leading edge and somehow this set blew all your other work to bits, congrats!