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Alright, so this is the post I wanted to put up over the weekend, but I got held up a bit. I think I need to stop telling people I'll post during weekends because stuff always comes up haha.

Anyway, it's monday! So I'm not that much later.

The thumbnail image is a concept version of a chart I'm not only going to fill in further, I'm also going to keep updating it visually. So far this is just to map things out a little bit, but design wise I can definitely do better.

The chart is intended to kind of map out all the character relationships in the current Lust Unleashed cast. For a complete list of which comics to read to get all the same information, here's the ones you want in order:

1) Ascension Part 1, then Part 2

3) Legacy

(non-comic set - Glam Noir)

4) Kayla Meets Marcella

(non-comic set - Pristine)

(non-comic set - All Our Secrets)

5) A Special Lady 1 through 4

6) The Museum: Remastered

Anything else is at this point fun to look at, but not canon. 

So with all that preamble out of the way, let's get started.

Lust Unleashed - The Story So far.

Lust Unleashed is the story of the return of dickgirls, and with them, the sway they once held over global affairs. Maybe you know the stories from Roman and Greek history: powerful women acting behind the scenes, Hetairae influencing prominent politicians and rising to power themselves. The ages neutered the potential of these ladies to be more palatable to the general public, but the truth is that many of them were born with not just a natural talent for sensuality and seduction, but also cocks that put those of men to shame.

Their bodies elevated them in social status. The best of both worlds. They were worshipped, revered, adored. But the dickgirl gene is recessive, meaning that if a dickgirl reproduces with a regular woman, the latter's genes will take priority. Over the ages, dickgirls were bred out of existence. Add on top of that persecution, social shaming, and increasing levels of sexual taboo and chastity. For centuries, all hope seemed lost.

Tatiana Tarasova is the last dickgirl still alive. Not content to remain that way, Tatiana believes that she exists solely to bring about the restoration of her genetic line. Because after all, she made it to the 21st century for a reason. And now, in the year 2050, technology is finally advanced enough to make her ambitions come true.

In the Legacy comic, she approaches Kayla Carter, CEO of bio-genetics firm Carter Industries, to secure her future. In the Kayla Meets Marcella comic, we are introduced to Marcella Santiago, the first result of Tatiana's DNA sourcing. Mari Benson was made at the same time as Marcella, but we don't officially meet her until the Pristine set, and more officially in the Special Lady series where we really get to know her.

In The Museum, Kayla reveals what she's been working on to Yelena. Kayla has been trying to get a foothold in Russia for a long time, looking to expand her clinics as well as the popular beauty treatment of Zenith across the world. She knows by now that Yelena is Tatiana's lover, and hopes to establish a personal friendship with the Tsarina. If she can secure this, she believes she won't just be able to expand her business, but also make her dependence on Tatiana less reliant on the whims of someone she barely knows.

Lust Unleashed - The Story To Come

So now it's time to kick things into higher gear. The groundwork for the story has been established. There's a basic cast of girls, and a few positions still to fill in (represented by the white circles in the above graph). For now, the focus is on going further into detail on the workings of Carter Industries, the ambitions of Tatiana, and the role of our newest addition to the LU cast - Jordan Tyrell.

I've been heavy at work concepting two sets as you've seen in the past few weeks. At first, I wanted to make these sets quick one-offs. It wasn't until I realised the story potential between them that I had a better idea.

I'm going to be producing two comics, interwoven with each other. Meaning one month, I'll release an installment in Kayla's comic. The other month, an installment in the Tati/Jordan one. This will alternate until they're both done.

Kayla's comic will deal with the aftermath of the events of the Museum - her worries, her frustrations, her hopes and her desires. It will feature guest appearances from other girls in the cast, but I'm not going to spoil who just yet.

Tatiana and Jordan's comics will deal with ambitions, scheming, and plotting. Tatiana is going to approach Jordan with an offer, and we'll have to see whether or not Jordan has a mind to take it. She is a major investor and shareholder in Carter Industries, and whatever decision she makes, she will make with profit in mind.

The stories are going to have layers to them. It's not going to be a matter of good vs bad. It's not going to be villains vs heroes. Every character will be shown to have flaws and virtues. It's going to be entirely up to you who to root for. Also, both stories will take place simultaneously on the timeline. So when we swap back to Kayla, for instance, Tati and Jordan will still be in each other's company on the other side of the world.

The first release will be Tatiana and Jordan, this month. Next month, it'll be Kayla. Everything will release on Patreon first, but Tati and Jordan will stay Patreon exclusive until their entire half of the story has been told. Kayla's side will go up as an Affect3D release each installment, but only a full month after each part comes out on Patreon. So the first installment of Kayla's set is due for March on Patreon, and will be released on Affect3D in April. I aim to make each half consist of three parts, so two trilogies.

Of course the release timeline may be subject to change. That will depend on how swamped I might get for time. In any case, this will be a good steady trickle of content that I think you guys will enjoy.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask! I know this was a lot to read, but if you did... I appreciate it :D




So it sounds like you're trying to spoil us again. This is why I fell in love with your work so much. You're not just working to make great art, and it truly is art, you're working to make us a beautiful story too. It sounds like you have a great plan laid out, and you've got me pretty well excited to see it. I wish you good luck in creating this, and I'll support you on the way. I can't wait for you to introduce your new characters. It'd be extra interesting if we could vote in some polls about their creation process as well. Maybe we can even get a girl designed by your community. As far as the narrative is going, I really like how huge this story is. It sounds like you're writing a new world order. Since you said that it is futanari who once ruled and will be reborn, can I ask what will become of your non-futa girls? I seem to recall your saying that you wanted a good variety. I think that's also why Jordan doesn't have a vagina, which I love btw. I just wonder if Yelena or Breanna will eventually make the decision to become futanari too. Or maybe they already are futanari, and futanari aren't defined by their genitalia but on the superhuman level of improvements done to them. Their whole bodies are perfect, every one of them. Each one is a goddess. Again, whatever you decide will be great. One final thing, on the subject of Jordan and the nature of anal. All your girls with dicks should receive prostrate pleasure from penetration. For Jordan, this is simple. Just like a trans-woman, she will receive it through her anus. However, since the vagina is in front of the anal-cavity, I'd think your other futanari would receive it through there. I don't think they would receive the same kind of prostrate pleasure from anal as they would form vaginal penetration. I don't think this means you should change up your positions or anything. It was just something I was thinking about Edited addendum: Jordan signaled an idea of new diversity in your cast. I'd like you to continue that. I'm not asking you to make token characters, but I would like to see some more girls of other races too. Maybe you could do something interesting with a Korean girl? Also, your girls have very different bodies all of them. However, they all have big boobs. I like big boobs, but I also like small ones. Maybe we could have a slimmer girl too? Pink hair can look good too. Anyways, this is already too long, so thank you if you read this.


Haha damn this might've set a record for comment length. But I love it! So yeah, non-futa girls obviously aren't going anywhere. In fact I think Lust Unleashed can stand to have a wider cast of non-futa ladies. I'm actually playing with the idea of doing a set that takes place during antiquity, Roman or Greek. To give some more background on what I'm going for with the dickgirl angle. As for anal, hold that thought. You're going to get to know Jordan a bit better in the upcoming comic and I don't want to spoil anything just yet on that front. Lastly, I'd be happy to host a poll on designing a new girl. For sure. We can do a series of polls where we go through a list. That said I will always have the final say in creative direction because at the end of the day I believe in my own ability to create a good design the most. For example, there was a long time where Yelena wasn't a character I really rendered because she didn't visually excite me. Then I redesigned her and gave her the signature black ponytail, and suddenly everything clicked. Same with Jordan. People kept asking me to add a black girl to the cast and I just wasn't gonna do it until I had an idea for a black girl that I liked. I didn't wanna just add a token black girl. I think I would probably change something about every lady in the LU lineup, but at the end of the day there's also a lot about them that excites me visually, and that's the most important part.

robby r robson

Completely random question out of the blue, but what's Marcella's height? And cup size :P It's something I've wondered about for the longest time


A long but good read. Lookin forward to all that's in store from you. Keep up the amazing work!


Can't wait to see more with Marcella, being "created" is fascinating... ... and sexy...


Yeah and that's gonna end up playing a pretty big role too. Same for Mari.


I can measure both those things out for you but I don't have the data on hand right now :P


Are the 3 empty circles below Yelena just visual or do they really represent 3 characters, which I imagine will be some sort of (sex) servants to her? :D


And I wonder who will be the next Carter Industries created Futa/Dickgirl haha, really interesting stuff you're doing with the whole world building.


No they sorta represent an unspecified amount of characters haha. The Russian side of the story will be built out according to need, but clearly most of the girls so far are American or live in America.


I hope over time there will be a collection of these stories in one post and for its development