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  • Selfsuck1L.mp4
  • Selfsuck2L.mp4



So I just wanted to showcase what the gist of these is :D For the first loop I feel like there's some work left to do to make it look smoother. It's a bit tame overall but that was also sort of the point. The second one I think is actually ultra cute. In the thumbnail you can see though that Mari has her hands on her tits, but in the animation itself she has them balled up into fists next to her chest. I thought that looked a little bit more... adorable? I think that's what I was going for.

I'm trying to make a dickgirl sucking herself off look adorable. Slaanesh have mercy on me.

The final Iray-rendered versions of these will be up in the weekend. :) I'll post the WIP masturbation loops tomorrow so you guys can see what you've been missing out on!

Oh, before I forget: In the thumbnail I toned down the lighting in the scene a little bit. Make it a bit more moody, but also make everything less of an assault on the senses. What do you guys think compared to the other shots?




This is coming along nicely Dude! So, now that you've had some time with animation, how do you feel about it? Is it about what you expected? Does it drastically changed your composition, or way of thinking, or lighting or style? Have you had to compensate or shift your focus to get this new medium right? Personally, you're coming along faster than I expected. We all knew this would take time to master and can't be rushed, all part of the plan. I'm starting to feel itchy from lack of image sets, however, we knew that would happen too. Keep doing what you're doing and make that magic happen. It's gonna pay off big time in the long run! Cheers!


Man I love this question :D Since I'm currently animating in Daz Studio just for the sake of getting content out there and not keeping everybody stuck in this eternal Maya waiting room, I gotta say that I feel a little limited software wise, but for now it suffices. I expect animation quality to be higher still when I do finally start working in Maya. As far as composition and lighting, I feel like I've always had a very cinematic style so that hasn't changed much. For instance, I've always lit my scenes for maximum flexibility in terms of angles, so that perfectly carries over. If you look at the lingerie store as it appeared in ASL1 through 3, it's the exact same scene as it is in these animations. No lights added and removed. Not even tweaked until the render I used for this post. As for itchiness from lack of image sets, I absolutely 100% get you. In fact I'm working on expanding the Tatiana renders I did recently so that I can turn this into an A3D release, but it's difficult to find the time since I can effectively only work on those on my one PC when I'm rendering on the other. The last month I haven't done a lot of rendering at all, mostly just practicing with animation itself. So yeah I imagine I'll be able to make things mesh better soon enough. People have proposed that I outsource my image sets but I fear that if I reduced my role in image sets to that of a director as opposed to creator, they would lose the essential touch that makes them recognisable as mine. I'm not one to brag but I do feel very confident in the style I've developed over the years, and wouldn't want to sacrifice that. It wouldn't serve you guys and it'd only frustrate myself.