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Hey everyone, apologies for the radio silence over the last two weeks. I'm still here and rendering, but I'm also been working on other things in the meanwhile.

Thought I'd keep you guys posted as to what exactly has been going on!

First off, not gonna lie: I've been feeling a little bit burned out. The reason for this is actually positive, not negative. I spent so much of 2019 sitting here in this chair producing content, that I completely neglected my physical wellbeing. And the funny thing is, you don't notice. It creeps up on you. I wouldn't say that I got fat, but I definitely put on more weight than I'm comfortable with, and my overall physical stamina has taken a nosedive. I first noticed it this year when I had to do some yardwork over at my parents and I was just horribly fatigued throughout.

So I've taken it upon myself to increase my physical activity. The last month and a half I've been biking, jogging, walking, lifting weights, everything I can to kick my body back into gear, but this has absolutely taken its toll. Still, I'm happy to be doing it because overall I should have an easier time being energetic and healthy if I keep this up. I'm definitely pacing myself, but even despite pacing I have a long way to go. It's crazy how a dedicated desk job like this can absolutely mess you up if you're not careful. So that's a word of warning to all of you too: take care of yourself. Don't neglect your physical health. Because it starts putting you into a darker mental headspace too, and that's where the burnout really came from in the end.

Now, all that said, I haven't been sitting still work-wise either. More content has been exported into Maya, and now we've got a fully textured, fully shaded, fully rigged Mari who, on top of all that, now also has hair! It's the same hairstyle you see her rock in the Special Lady set as well, I think that one looks great on her.

Related to that, I'm going to be started production on A Special Lady 3 this month. It won't be done in May, but I'll try to have to done early June. That should conclude that trilogy, allowing me to move forward to something you've all been waiting for for a long time: the Breanna/Mari wedding comic, exclusive to Patreon!

Also, more Horsecock Kayla this month :D So stay tuned for that in the $15 tier! Meanwhile, enjoy the two included Marcella renders up above. One is a widescreen desktop format, the other for smartphone.




First of all, welcome back to the world of patreon after your hiatus. It hasn't been the same without you. I definitely relate with what you said about physical health while working a desk job. This quarantine has me working from home from my desk everyday and I'm definitely seeing the effects of that aka I'm getting chonky xD. I'm glad you were able to motivate yourself to start physical exercise and I wish you the very best in your efforts. I'm looking forward to seeing the stuff you have in store and what lies ahead in the future

Bob Fink

Very well done, she looks even sexier than before if that's possible. Glad to hear you've gotten back to working out and moving, I weather providing walk 2 miles a day just to keep my metabolizem up. Stay safe and healthy!


Keep on Keeping on. The lingerie shows off her assets. Well some of them ;-)

Lara X

Glad to hear you’re working on getting your physical fitness back in check. I have the exact same issue when I spend too long producing songs. Beautiful new work, not gonna lie- I prefer her old hairstyle so much more, but really love the look overall. She looks like Marcella’s sister! Now there’s an idea ;)


Make sure you take care of yourself man, your physical health is more important, I'm not sure about anyone else, but I don't mind waiting a little extra time, your work is top notch & worth the wait


Physical and mental health always come first! and don't rush anything, we can wait, you actually have spoiled us a bit over the last year, but I don't want that to take a toll on either the quality of your art and neither on your wellbeing. Best!


Yeah I'm actually thinking of doing a little bit of a patreon tier streamlining so I reduce the amount of different obligations I have. I'm not 100% how I'd go about it though because I want everyone to feel like they're getting their money's worth.


Thankfully I hear this a lot so that does help :D I just hate sitting still haha.


The chonkiness is only a secondary problem, the main issue is just your body wasting away. The first time I went for a jog a couple weeks back I felt my entire back activate, making me realise the state of disrepair all those muscles were in.


Yeah I walk a minimum of that now. Not daily, but 3-4 times a week is good enough. I've noticed that if I can do something at a lower frequency but enjoy it, I'll keep doing it longer. Gotta keep it from feeling like a chore.


Hah! I think there's a limit to what I can get away with as far as that goes. My first Lust Unleashed releases were actually called Sin Sisters but certain payment processors did not like that, so I had to comply with ethical norms. And I reeeally don't want to go the step-route. So yeah :P


great idea create a poll! to really see what they are expecting :)


People always ask me if i' m having a good time! My response is always the same! i don't do anything unless i'm having fun. You cant allow things to bog you down. remember what the mad hatter said. clean cup move down. Take time to recharge even Einstein took naps. We love what you do. If i may , in the standing position , not enough line to form the right arm , hand seems to be part of the trim. Love your out fits. as i asked before where do you shop . mmmmwaa