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How's everyone doing? I hope you had a great christmas, and a great new year's celebration! I myself took a nice big turn-of-the-decade break to recharge and get ready for what should be an amazing year coming up, and hopefully an amazing decade as well! Though ten years is a lot to plan for, so let's keep doing this a month at a time haha.

Let's talk about what's coming up in January and across Q1! Some of it is administrative, but there's some really exciting stuff in here too :D In fact, let's start off with that.

First up, the final chapter of the Legacy comic!

I've been putting the final renders off over getting my christmas release out, as well as doing animation prep at the tail end of 2020. And then of course the November patron-voted Mari set, and this, and that... it's always something else haha. So now it's time to stop with the distractions get the final part of Kayla and Tatiana's first encounter in the LU universe out of the way. And guess what? Yeah, the good stuff is always in the last chapter.

I'll have this out in the final week of January, probably very close to the 30th.

More animation updates!

So we've been hard at work trying to get more progress to share on the animation front. Specifically, fluid simulation! Yeah I'm sure you can imagine what that means, I'm always a bit more sparse with details in public posts haha. So hopefully we have some test renders or sims to show this month, I think you guys would like to see that progress very much. We can also have some discussion about sorts of volume and consistency you guys enjoy, if the opportunity arises.

A big patreon clean-up at starting February.

This one's a bit overdue, but I'm not going to remove content overnight. Starting february, a lot of content currently available on the $15 tier, ie patreon-exclusive sets and images older than two months, will be moved into the $90 indulgence tier. This is to keep the $15 tier value-consistent. That said, I thought it'd be a nice gesture to start off the new decade with if I didn't just do this overnight. All old and new patrons in January will have access to whatever's in the $15 tier that's older than two months until the start of February.

New poll(s) to help me structure a new biography!

This is something I probably should've been doing from the start haha. We've got Taylor's bio most recently in the form of the Carter Aesthetics Zenith brochure, and before that I've put out an in-depth bio for Breanna, and some more lightweight interviews with Yelena, Tatiana, and Kayla who definitely deserve something more substantial. Mari's bio was I think more of a concept than it was a definitive product, so that one I definitely want to redo and make better.

The poll will be a choice between three girls: Mari, Marcella, and Kayla. So if you want to, start campaigning for your favourite girls in the comments! The poll will go up this month, ie January, for a final product later in Q1.

For now, that's the update!

I'm looking forward to an amazing 2020, and I hope you are too :D In started this patreon in 2019 and I've loved the dedicated little community we've built up here with each other. You guys have been such an inspiration and help in keeping me productive throughout the previous year, so with your continued support I'm sure that the same will be true again!

So stay tuned, and once again, happy new year!




Welcome to 2020 dude! - Yay for the end of the legacy comic, that set has some next level poses and angles! - But how about the lingerie store next chapter? I guess in Feb? :D - I need to start storing some of your older work haha - Lastly, let's see if we can have a 'medical lab' themed set or biography? I personally think that would be an awesome theme for the girls, especially with Carter Aesthetics in mind. Cheers!!!


Ok. so I've posted a reply to this post TWICE so far and both times it's disappeared! Any idea what the f*@k is going on?!


I don't know! But I did see them a few times. I think maybe it's Patreon public post guidelines or something? Super weird.


Yes, lingerie store is Feb or March! I forgot to mention that. As for medical lab... no sorry :( Medical environments make me pretty uncomfortable haha so they're not a place I associate with eroticism.