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It's Yelena, on a throne! In an outfit you've seen her in before! So what's this set about?

Well, ever since I rendered the Yelena interview I wanted to expand on that outfit and that scene. This release is going to take place in a full-scale throneroom, long aisle leading up to the throne and everything. The story in this set will be about her ascent to the throne, and her first time visiting the throneroom since she's been declared Tsarina. We'll get to know her as a character, learn about her ambitions, her relationship with Tatiana, and a lot more.

Of course Tati will be right there with her, so after the girls have made themselves acquainted with this new wealth of status, they're going to have a bit of fun together :D Expect something very glammy, very feminine. Tatiana will be wearing what she wore in her own interview.

Tomorrow I'll be posting more shots.

Also, news about dickgirl balls!

I was very grateful to get all of your replies to the balls/no balls post. I saw that a lot of people were supportive of me going the no-balls route and getting that first animation out there, but there were also a few people who did vehemently object.

Those objections, as well as my own refusal to concede to technical limitations, were what helped me decide. A few evenings after I made that post, I decided to give balls another go. The base mesh that Marco @ A3D designed for me that I could never make fit was quickly readjusted, because I had a few ideas about the steps we'd need to take to make this work. Lo and behold, we did!

We're not completely done yet, but we're very close. We have a futa dick; balls, pussy and all, that fits Mari and other G8 characters, that we can adjust in terms of shape, colour, and everything else. We're now working on getting that into Maya as quickly as possible and putting a render out there, but what's better is that we'll be able to make it work in Daz Studio too! This ensures a very consistent aesthetic between still image renders and upcoming animations.

I hope to have something to show you guys very soon, but I'm very encouraged. Didn't expect to get these sudden results, but here we are.



Space Banker

You're an expert on the matter. The purists believe a futanari has no visible balls (they claim a dickgirl has a nutsack) however they claim that the testicles are on the inside. What's your take on the anatomy of dickgirls/futanari? Also, I know you've done some minor play with x-ray in the past, but have you considered doing a transparent view of one of the girls where you can see their insides? Bone structures, muscles, organs, etc? Keep up the good work.


Yeah I'm not a purist haha. Dickgirls, futa, I use it interchangeably. I'm making girls with dicks, their exact genital configuration isn't something that needs a great deal of classifying to me. I'll let the purists sort that out :) As for internal shots with organs, I'm afraid that's not something I'll likely do. There do exist products that allow me to display the ladies' insides, but innards aren't erotic to me and with dicks the size that I'm using the reality is that nobody would survive that to begin with xD There's a reason Tony Stark's latest iteration of the Iron Man suit in Infinity War is clarified with nothing more than "nanotech." Because going into a lengthy explanation of how it works would only serve to remind us exactly why it wouldn't work. Same with this. If I'm going to show innards being displaced, all I'll accomplish is remind people that cocks this big should be classified as murder weapons xD

Space Banker

No dickgirls were harmed in the making of your pornography.


Either way, I am happy to see anything and everything you make. Keeping being awesome!


The story of Yelena's ascent to the throne sounds GREAT! That shot of the throne is quite impressive! It really give you the sense that you're in the presence of someone in power! I'm excited to learn more about Yelena, her rise to power and her relationship with Tatiana! The world you're building here is AWESOME! Great news on the balls/no balls! I'm glad to hear that you're making such great strides forward with the new animation technology. Before you know it you're going to be it's TRUE master! Please don't feel that you have to rush anything on our account though. I know that I'm more than happy to wait for you to be pleased with the renders and animations you produce before we see them. Plus, the anticipation of what is coming makes this journey all the more exciting! Keep up the awesome work and THANKS for the update!

Jack Pinder

This is very good news. Had a lot of doubts about the transition to no balls. Although I do support a couple of artist that create to this design there are poses where the genitalia shots just do not work for me. You are correct of course in that these huge cocks and the internal workings should not be questioned too much. This however is a fantasy that keeps my dream world turning along with all the elves, orcs, dragons, Minotaur, werewolves and such. Maybe you could create a dream fantasy someday for one of the girls where some of these myths might appear. Do like where you are going with the current storyline and I should mention your latest widescreen sets are some of your best.


Thank you :D Much appreciated. Let's have a little talk about fantasy actually. I've always been a big Warcraft fan, the Night Elves in particular. I've wondered if one day I would do something with an aesthetic like that, but there are a lot of talented 3DX artists in the fantasy field. Where a jump into fantasy kinda falls short to me is that I don't really enjoy the fantasy aspects of sex scenes. Orcs, minotaurs, werewolves, it's not something I'm into at all. So if I ever do a fantasy side-thing, it's going to be basically a fantasy take on what I already do. I think I could do a Night Elven aesthetic a lot of justice, but beyond that I'm not sure there'll be a lot else there.


Best part is... well, you'll get some hints over the days to come. But basically Yelena is going to give the place her own touch :D So that's more of a longterm transformation of the scene kinda thing.


Great news and I'm with the rest of the gang on waiting until you're satisfied that the technology will produce the quality results you seek. If your post girl is angry indignation, I'm sure we're all in for a great result! These are exciting days as I'm anxious to hear the voices you think best represent the girls. In fact, the audio really enhances the experience for me, so I'm excited to see and hear the results! No pressure, just excited to finally hear the girls in action!

Josh Greiner

Well, that's a bummer ;) While I'm always happy to see artists I enjoy stretch their skills and improve, I was very much hoping for some no-ball content, as that is what I greatly prefer. Perhaps one or two characters could remain without balls, or at the very least maybe no-balls could become a reoccurring theme for the fetish sets?


No balls is not out of the question, don't worry. If anything I can now do it in a way that I prefer rather than use an existing solution. I always prefer custom work if possible. But yes, if it happens it's going to happen on a new girl :) Or fetish sets like you said!

Raziel Crowley

What a fan like me can say to this. Yelena and Tatiana 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 Maybe just a little tiny sad that Tati will not be in her black lingerie but still... That doesn't change how much exited I am to see those updates. And to the "balls" update... The decision and progress you are making really showing your dedication to the work and to the girls. Perfection (and your girls and work IS perfect) needs time so... Don't rush it. We will wait until animations will be completely ready to see the lights of the world 🙂👍🏻🙂