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So the final biographies that I'll include as tier rewards are going to be more extensive. They will be multi-render files that contain not just a backstory, but also physical measurements, various closeups, etc. I kinda want to make them case files, if that makes sense.

That said I have the stories for the girls all written out and the overarching plot established. I just need to render out the dedicated shots for them, which I'll have to squeeze into normal rendering responsibilities.

At any rate, this is a look at Kayla's backstory since you guys were responding so positively to the trailer yesterday that I didn't want to keep you waiting any longer :)

Also, yes: her last name is different here than in the comic. I was originally going to go with Carter but somehow that slipped my mind when I put the comic together. It's silly because when I was working on it, I knew deep down that Anderson wasn't it. Like an itch. I ended up settling for it because for the life of me I couldn't recall what it was supposed to be. Then I got back to the bio documents I had prepared and I was like "oh duh, of course."

I'll update Kayla's last name for the comic update at the end of this month.

EDIT 2: The reason I'm holding off on releasing the full bios for you guys is because I want the cock closeup shots in there to feature the girls' new cocks. Everything else is basically ready, so that's why I thought it was worth it to do it like I did here.



Raziel Crowley

VERY VERY VERY unique, perfect and I Really really like it..like A LOT. Can'T wait to see the other girls...that's why I am asking a curious question..when the other girls will be? (approximately) and especially Tatiana...do you have something like schedule when you show us them?


I can post texts for all six girls at this point, so if you'd like me to do that then yes. The renders are all placeholders though, it'd just be teasers of the better bios to come.

Bob Fink

Very detailed bio, and she sounds like the perfect multi national business owner with and eye for detail and not letting anything stand in her way of obtaining her ultimate goal. The fact that she's drop dead gorgeous doesn't hurt at all.


I cannot wait to read every bit of information and story you have. As I've said, story absolute makes the images better!