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In Queen, the focus is not so much on the actual sex, as it is on who's having it with who. In the above image, Mari and Marcella fuck on Yelena's command.

If you think of this as a queen and her underlings, you're not far off. So in the world I'm building, what is a dickgirl?

I actually have to be careful here, because I want to avoid giving spoilers. Suffice it to say that dickgirls aren't naturally born, they are made for a reason, but they are no less human than anyone. They're created to have either dominant or submissive personalities, and in the pairing of Marcella and Mari respectively, there is an example of either. 

Today, we focus on Mari.

Mari is sweetness itself. She would never speak a bad word about anyone without cause, is extremely giving, and loves the pleasure people take from having sex with her. She knows full well what she is, and whatever doubts she may have about her future vanish when her body hits peak arousal. Then, she yearns for satisfaction, and acquires it either from others or herself.

Most of the time, her life revolves around her sexuality. If she's not lounging around in lingerie sucking herself off, she's out shopping for more with her friends. In Marcella she has someone she can relate to, and there have been many moments in public where desire got the better of them and they could no longer resist each other.

But sex with Marcella is entertainment, indulgence. Sex with her girlfriend Breanna, that is love. Nothing makes Mari feel more like she's on top of the world than Breanna's praise. The feeling when their bodies touch, when their lips meet, and their hands find each other. But as they trade sweet words and whispers, there is something else that smolders within Mari. Something deep down, a voice she can't ignore.

The will to find herself.

To have been born for a purpose is all well and good, but surely that cannot be all there is to life? Though Mari will never be able to resist the urges that come with seeing her own perfect body and rock hard cock in the mirror, she has to find an identity outside that. A goal in life. Something to be taken seriously for. And that may be difficult to do, because in the eyes of the world, a dickgirl exists for one purpose alone. 

Can she defy convention and choose her own path, or is being the sexual fantasy of millions the greatest blessing she'll ever be granted?



Raziel Crowley

If anybody could see me now they would say I have turned into a stone statue. I literally freeze in the middle of apartment, in the middle of step with phone in my hand reading all this. I...I am not really sure what to say properly to express how PERFECT this is. I mean really Dude.. This is outstanding


Absolutely love the depth and character development going on here. Can't wait to read about Tatiana and Breanna <3. Give me more of those two PLEASE!


This universe just got a whole lot spicier!


Amazing! Love the story and the image! So perfect!


TheDude, I have to say, just going by what you've posted so far, this is going to be and AWESOME story! Love your work so far on this. If we can judge the whole set by what you've teased so far, it's gonna be well worth the effort you're putting into this. Please keep up the outstanding work!

Lara X

Wow, so sexy. I love this render! It comes up blurred in my feed but when I click on it it’s sharp. Beautifully done

Bob Fink

She's even sexier now that we know more about her and her desires. The fact that she is lusted after by so many men and women I'm sure brings her great pleasure.


Mari's new hair and nipples look great!

Mr. Juggs

ass to mouth, please