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Hey guys, so this is a post for all of you up in the two higher donation tiers. First of all, an exclusive WIP shot. Of course that'll also be included in the final release that I'll be giving you guys, but I just wanna make sure you know what's what while you hang in there.

So I have a pretty crammed schedule for the coming months, rendering both for A3D and then for this Patreon. First out of the way is this current set, due to release on the 18th. I need to go full steam ahead on this because honesty compels me to admit that I'm a week behind schedule. I thought about postponing the release but my render times right now are really good so numerically I can do it.

When that's out of the way, the Patreon exclusive sets come first. It's going to be up to 20 shots, with 10 of them for you guys in the $10 tier and then 10 more in the $15 tier. I need to get those done first and foremost because they are my primary obligation to my patrons.

Those shots will be due before August 31st. They will probably feature Mari in a nighttime version of the set I'm using for Queen, but that may be subject to change. We'll see.

When that's out of the way, we're in September. It means I'll need to start working on another release of 20 shots total, but since I'll keep slotting those into the 4th week, I'm going to spend the first three weeks on working on the other tier promises, of which there are two.

First, the thank you miniset. The $10 tier gets a small one and the $15 tier gets a larger one. Those will then be included as benefits for all new patrons so that at least they'll have something to show for their support the moment they pledge. I want to have those sets live by the 15th of September.

Then work starts on the big project, which is exclusive for the $15 tier: the remasters of my old Victoria 4 sets. So that's The Museum, No Rest For The Wicked, Tatiana & Yelena GWBG, Tatiana & Kayla GWBG (both parts), and the 2015 Celebration. That's a lot of shots to redo with Genesis 8 (upwards of 250 is guesstimate) so that's not something I'll have done within a month. That's something I'm going to spend all the remaining months of 2018 working on.

Ultimately I will also release these sets on A3D, but only when they're all done and no earlier. Here on Patreon, however, I'll release them piece by piece, which means you'll have them weeks to months ahead of wider release. In the meanwhile, I'll probably do another full production release or two for A3D as well, all of which will of course be included here as part of your patronage.

Now you may have read all this and think: "holy hell, that's a lot of images." And it is. So clearly my plan for 2019 is going to be to step up my game as best as I can and make my first forays into animation. Patreon income should be steadily high by then, and combined with my A3D store earnings I should have the leeway necessary to dedicate myself almost fully, if not entirely, to getting these girls moving.

For that, I will actually draw out a battleplan by the time we reach there. But we're going to walk out of 2018 all conventional like, so I'm just being clear about that and making sure you guys know what's what. The idea is an animated release before the end of 2020, and I think that should be very doable. I have already looked into render farms and other required technology.

Lastly, the secondary workstation is going to be built soon enough and I will update you all on that as it progresses.





You are one busy DUDE! Pun intended.


I think you are going to accelerate your work and learning curve dramatically. Putting yourself in the pressure cooker will do that.


Oh yeah for sure. Even at this point I'd say that there's not a set I release where I don't improve my ability to do something.

Bob Fink

Sounds like a very aggressive schedule. I hope you make it and it sounds like we're in for some awesome sets!

Raziel Crowley

I have to agree with Bob that it does look like a agressive schedule. But I have faith all will be according your plans... Ehm battle plans 😉 and there will be no problem. Just don't overwork yourself 👍🏻 And as always... Amazing shot. Yelena indeed looks like the Queen with masterplan in her mind


Wow indeed! That's an ambitious schedule! Pace yourself and don't burn yourself out! We all LOVE your work and want to see lots more, but we also don't want you to overwork yourself. You have my support regardless!


And "Thanks!" for the Yelena shot! I really like the color! She looks incredible in that color!


I'm glad you think so, because I absolutely agree :D I normally go traditional colours but this one just works so well.


Great news! I'm impressed by your commitment and dedication. Just one thought though. Yelena is looking closer to Tatiana now. Does this means you're changing Tatiana slightly now? Just wondering :)


Well they both have black hair, but I actually didn't change that much about Yelena's face. I don't really have plans to change Tati, but I'll put them side by side somewhere over the coming days so you can judge for yourself if you think they look too much alike :)


Splurge! Mesmerizing...