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Hey everyone. Just wanted to give a quick heads up on why I haven't posted Peak 2 yet.

As some of you may recall, I mentioned a couple months ago that for health reasons I'm having to do a number of hospital visits. I honestly don't recall if I went into this in any serious detail, but the gist of it is that I had a health concern that I started looking into in March, and have since been busy with.

I had a followup appointment scheduled for August, but earlier this week I got a call from the hospital saying they wanted to do some extra things. They freed up a slot for me in the radiology department to have a CT scan, and I also had to get some more blood work done on short notice. This way my doctor would have additional useful info for the followup in August.

We're not talking anything necessarily life-threatening. At least, not insofar as I've been made aware. But it is urgent. And it was made clear to me in no uncertain terms that if I did not make use of this short notice opportunity, I would significantly complicate matters for myself in terms of when the next available window was.

So my visit to radiology basically took up my entire Wednesday afternoon. I had to stay for multiple scans and spent a lot of time doing exactly nothing on a hospital bed with an IV in my arm, agonizing over wanting to get my deadlines out of the way.

As some of you have undoubtedly noticed, I'm a night owl. I post my updates during what's usually the early morning for me, and I sleep from then into noon. Hospitals do not operate on my schedule, obviously, so I've been battling fatigue from lack of sleep on top of literally losing hours of productive time to health concerns.

Of course, my health goes above all else. I don't think I need to make that case. But you guys do deserve to know what's keeping me from wrapping this up.

That said, Peak 2 IS almost done. All the comic pages have been assembled and now just need to be given dialogue. I might rearrange a few things still, but the current total stands on 20 pages previously published with another 20 in the final release for a total of 40 pages. That's WAY more than the 12 pages in Peak Performance 1.

The cumshot renders are mostly done. I wanna do maybe 1 or 2 more. Then I'll post the whole thing very soon.

Thanks for the patience, everyone.



Dude take care of yourself and be safe! Don’t worry about us we can wait till you’re fine!

xx Leo

Get well that'swhat matters