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The sex is so close! Next render batch will be more explicit, I'm basically done with the leadup now.

Going to post the newest comic pages tomorrow, and that will put Peak 2 officially at the same length as Peak 1. Except it's not done yet! This comic will be at least twice as long as Peak 1 was, so I'm going to keep on working. That's because I don't want to deny you guys a proper sex scene this time.

Why's it taking so much time?

Because there's simply a lot of work that goes into every shot, and I have to do all these shots in order to properly tell the story. Pace will pick up once I get these ladies naked. You might wonder why that matters. Well, here's why:

Yeah, that's what Jessica's sexy robe looks like when it refuses to play ball during simulation. Isn't that great? Lmao. So yeah, bear with me! But hey, each week is progress :D

Comic pages soon! Stay tuned!

Password: ourhouseinthemiddleofthestreet



Tequila Dealer

pure genius! love the way you build this up! the only comment I have, I wish the girls were drinking Margaritas, but I guess that's something personal haha


Absolutely love #61 with the reflection in the glass. Nice little details