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Tone! Tone is the magic word today. I couldn't find the right way to write Jessica and Marcella's interaction. I wanted Jessica to come across as stand-offish. I wanted Marcella to come across as socially a bit inexperienced. This comic is supposed to be about Marcella coming into her own as a person, so I couldn't have her start off meeting strangers like an expert seductress.

I hope you'll agree that I ended up striking the right balance. She's kinda all over the place. A bit too timid at first, then overcompensates with heavy sexual innuendo. Her body gets her through the door, because Jessica's kinda amused even if she's too arrogant to really show it. But you can sorta tell from how she speaks. She's a bit mocking, at times.

Jessica's curious about who this person is, but more than anything wants to see what happens when Nikki joins them further on.

The problem that you run into when making a comic from renders is that I work through poses as the scene progresses. And what I discovered this time was that between page 8 and page 9, I really need another page to sort of transition to the tit-grabbing. So I couldn't make the dialogue flow in a natural way from Marcella talking about being single to her suddenly having her hands on Jessica's boobs.

I'll need to render a few extra shots in order to glue page 08 and page 09 together, but I did add page 09 without the text so you guys can see how I've set it up and where I kinda wanna take it next.

Right after page 09, I think 10 or 11, is when Nikki is gonna join them. So I'm working on producing those pages as we speak :)

More this month, so stay tuned!




It’s going to be torture but I will wait until it all is released

Vibratos M Blaster

Love this - but did we actually ever see a post with pages 1-4 in page form? Lots of renders but I think pages 5-9 are the first page layouts we've seen? No worries - I know we get it all when it's done! :)