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Alright, animation update finally! Time to show off Kayla a little bit and tell you what we've been working on. The renders above are done in Marmoset, the texture work was done in Zbrush. Nothing is final and I can already tell you some things we're going to be tweaking a little bit, but first the backstory.

So, what has been my hangup about animation all these years? Mainly that I'm not a very technical guy. I'm a visual guy. I love rendering. Which is fine, that's a discipline in itself. But the reason being a technical guy would've come in useful is the fact that Daz Studio uses a lot of proprietary systems that you need to find solutions for when you export these characters into other software. 

Daz itself does offer a lot of bridging plugins between Studio and say Maya or Blender or Unreal Engine, but includes with them a very annoying limitation: you can't use third party geografts, only authorized Daz Studio ones! Since geografts are the only way I can let these ladies have nipples, dicks, pussies etc, you sorta start to understand what this limitation really means; it's to prevent the export of NSFW-oriented characters.

So, in order to animate in outside of Daz Studio (which is the only viable way to animate, Daz is really not suited for it) what I need is a unified mesh that includes all sexual and non-sexual geo on the same mesh (or layer, if you would), with a unified texture set that doesn't look like it has gaps or seams. 

Most practically, this means I would re-use Kayla's body textures but anything that involves sexual geo would require textures remade from the ground up since in Daz these things get blended together with all sorts of transparency maps on separate physical layers. And I just don't have experience texturing, and certainly I never thought that whatever I could teach myself in between set production would be high enough quality to where I'd want to feature it in final renders.

As you can see in the included images, the texture work is being taken care of. A buddy of mine is doing it for me. We're almost done, too! Clearly the tip of the dick is too purple, but otherwise it all pretty much matches with how you've seen Kayla in sets like ONS or more recently, her biography.

We've also done some minor sculpting on her body. Her breasts are a bit more perfectly round, her dick has a more custom shape, her hips/waist have a more natural curvature. The vein on the top of the dick is a bit too much and in the next iteration you'll see less of it.

So what's there to do after this? I'll have to provide her with a rig, which is what allows me to actually animate her. This is the part I think I'm doing myself, but I'm also still open to the idea of outsourcing this to someone experienced. So if you do rigging, or you know someone who does, get in touch with me and give me an idea of what a quality rig would cost me. I'm still not decided either way, the idea of learning it myself does seem fun especially if I can make Patreon content out of it, but there's also something to be said for being done with it sooner rather than later.

Big wall of text, but there it is!

Hope that filled you guys in. I know I've spoken about animation many times before throughout the years and I understand of some of you are doubtful I'll ever do it :P To be honest, a part of me is too lol. But I am insistent on moving forward with this step by step. Don't think of the whole project, just think of the next thing to do. That way, eventually, we should end up in a good spot.




Dude - keep doing what you are doing and worry not. Those that are unhappy can vote with their wallet, but I've never been disappointed in your work. Go the speed that makes the most sense and if it took this long for the first negative comment, consider it a badge of honor


Thanks! I think LP's comment came from the assumption that I've somehow now stopped working on Peak 2 (which I'm not, I'm rendering literally every day lol), and have moved on to suddenly work on animation. Just to be clear, not the case! This animation update is just to show folks what my friend is working on for me. It's paid work. I've not spent a second on any of those renders beyond giving him the base mesh! My personal attention is still fully on getting this month's content done :)


Lol the lack of hair and her standard pose make her look like an alien. And the extra purple dick head isn't helping lol :D. The dick does not really seem to have the distinctive look it had in stuff like PP or her recent bio. It's lacking the lower curved part and her distinctive dick head. Is this still wip, or are you settling on this for the animation work. Do you have any shots of her pussy and ass? Glad to see the animation stuff is progressing. Besides doing the animations themselves I have hopes this type of work will also help you with some of your sex poses in images. Not saying they were bad, but some of them seem a bit too "posed" as opposed to more naturally flowing :D. Please keep these wip posts up. I personally always prefer to see more stuff, rather than have to wait for longer periods to see something the artists deems "ready" for the public. I know things look weird before they are done, but I always prefer news to nothing. Also new pics of PP2 when :D?


Yeah her dick has been customised a bit more. It is WIP but there are going to be a few differences between Kayla's shape here and as you've seen her. Particularly I want her dick to be less cumbersomely shape for penetration so those were the instructions I gave. I also wanted the veins to be actual geo rather than normal maps, for the purposes of cum sim down the line. So these are all technical considerations. I suppose she looks weird without hair and without eye textures lol. But trust me its her! I actually spend so much time hiding hair during posing for shots that I've gotten very used to looking at these girls bald lol. No pussy and ass renders yet. There are some geo issues with the export that have to be resolved first. That is currently being worked on. Peak 2 renders this weekend!