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Hello there everyone, welcome back to this month’s (a bit late) update post!

Primarily this month's focus was adding more future-proof-features and engine upgrades. This will all play into the first release, as we intend to give you a small-scale, but well fleshed-out alpha.


Real-time global illumination:

We showcased some fantastic looking baked lighting last month, but pre-baking was too restrictive for Lustbound so we decided to take a more dynamic approach.

Instead of baking the lights and shadows ahead of time and having a separate scene for each unique time of day; the environment and everything in it will now update in real-time according to the position of the sun, moon and any other lights in the scene. This will also make modding way easier and user-friendly.

There are so many advantages to working this way:

  • Better performance. Believe it or not, we’ve actually got real-time global illumination running better than baked lighting on older computers in most cases!
  • More accurate lighting on both the characters and environment.
  • Easily drop in new furniture and props during gameplay and they will be lit properly. (important for apartment customization) [See below image for reference]


  • Dynamically shift from day to night and anything in between without loading a new scene each time.
  • Tons of time saved on future updates, as we no longer need to rebake the scene when we change or add something.
  • Smaller game files to download since no baked data is included.
  • Easier to create unique moods through lighting, from dimly lit romantic candle light to brightly lit skies, it will all depend on the lights you decide to turn on!


Color customization controls:

We’ve been working on giving you more control when colorizing things in Lustbound. The latest addition is the color picker. No longer do you have to rely on color presets, you can now choose from every color under the rainbow! (I think you know where we got the inspiration from)


Updated project:

Having made design choices that require complex in-game rigs, we have had to take some extra time to update the entire project to work in the latest version of Unity.

Unfortunately updating everything took longer than we had anticipated. We had a large amount of bug and asset fixes to do, as well as reworking the basic framework of Lustbound to match the workflow changes and compatibility issues that appeared as a result of the update. It was well worth it though!

This gives us access to the most recent tools, making it much easier to develop the more complex systems and constraints required for realistic sex simulation.


Which brings us to the character rig:

Pinkalie has been working her ass off to create all the advanced rigging controls that we’re going to need to give our sex interactions the polish we promised!

She’s still working out the technical constraints for the body rig in order to allow for customization to be almost completely bone based rather than morph based. In less technical terms, bones and morphs are used to change the shape of a character. Bones are much easier to manage and more optimized than morphs.

Due to the complexity of the character requirements, the character rig is taking a little longer than anticipated; but by Jupiter’s cock it’s going to be worth it!

As the question was asked last week, yes we are pushing for dynamic genitals. Think full insertion animations, not faked by passing through each other like you might be used to in other games. (HoneySelect / KK)


Voice acting:

We have already shared some samples earlier this year from potential voice actresses. We have continued the search and finally found and hired the lovely Musei to be the first of many voices in Lustbound! You can check her out on Twitter (https://twitter.com/MuseidreamCh)

Here is a little sample of what you can expect from her! We can’t wait to integrate her lovely voice in game!
[AUDIO: Voice Sample]


Other relevant news:

The Side-Project Poll has spoken, and the next side-project will be SKYRIM VR, of course again with focus on NSFW Mods and a full re-work of the entire world on its own. We aren’t too familiar with how VR modding works, but after talking with a few patreon that already gave it a small try, it seems you can do some quite insane stuff. I’ve also unlocked the poll to give others a chance to comment on their wishes.


And this was this month Update news, everything should be on Track again for next month. So with that said, I hope you all have a beautiful rest week <3




Nice to see an update!


Random side note bracket broke the twitter link XD


ahh my god. Flash let me play the game already. This looks soo amazing tho.

Neko Chaos

Alright. couple questions but first YOu all are going to make me cry playing this game due to its beauty and scope. Alright. First could we get some specs for the best possible experience because im looking to get an actual computer and would like to future proof. Second, is there a plan for an x-ray view of the action? Your making realitic naughty bits. so we going all the way? Which takes me to my next question and my weirdo stick, is there a plan for pregnancy? The dialogue i would think would natural go to "I want your baby sweety!" and the like. I don't want to watch a birth, THAT'S WAY TOO FAR But a baby in a crib next to the bed or somewhere/ nothing, the belly got as big as its going to get. I am a lover. haha. of lovey dovey stuff otherwise known as being vanilla. I think it could be interesting, the option of actually planning to try for a baby instead of it just happening Pregnancy testing, some "helpers" to increase the odds of success i e ovulation pills It would add a sweet element to the game. Lastly something i asked in the past and i think pinky like Custom dialogue still being thought about? Just keeping the flame alive You all are amazing, can't wait for the alpha demo! Just heard the voice clip........... yes, just yes


Hey, Robo here! Thank you for the kind words Neko! I'd be happy to answer your questions. 1. The main performance bottleneck as of right now is the GPU (graphic card), Lustbound is very lightweight on the CPU (processor) currently. This will change a little once the more computationally expensive dynamic sex systems start rolling out, but your CPU will most likely never be an issue in Lustbound. I've been testing on an old AMD Phenom II X4 965 processor with 8GB system RAM (memory), and it has zero trouble keeping up, with 20-40% CPU usage on average. Now, as for graphic cards; I don't know what your budget is, but if you get any graphic card equivalent to the Geforce RTX 2060 or better (anything current generation really), you'll EASILY be able to run Lustbound at a smooth and steady 60+ FPS on maxed out graphics. (most likely more, but I don't have an equivalent card to test on) I did run a few Lustbound benchmarks in 1080p (1920 x 1080 resolution) using the GPUs that I do have access to, and here are the results: - Geforce GTX 1080 Ti (previous generation, best card I have) Steady 130-150 FPS Ultra Graphics - Geforce GTX 970 (older mid to high range card) Steady 55-60 FPS Ultra Graphics - Geforce GTX 960 (older low to mid range card) 30-60 FPS Ultra Graphics Steady 60 FPS with some of the more advanced graphics options turned down - Geforce GT 635M (oldest and slowest card I have) 8-9 FPS Ultra Graphics 25-30 FPS with all graphics options turned down 2. You're damn right we're going all the way! It's funny that you ask about the x-ray view on this day, because I was just prototyping this feature yesterday! It's looking very promising, so you can almost certainly expect an internal cutaway view! (possibly not in the first alpha release, but soon after) 3. We love the idea of trying to get pregnant and having a baby, and those are some great gamification ideas! The problem is, we aren't sure how to tackle the concept without stepping over certain boundaries. Lustbound is an adult oriented game after all, and having children anywhere present, even though not involved could be questionable. We're still playing with this idea, so we can't really give a yes or no answer yet. 4. If by custom dialogue, you mean writing and choreographing your own stories to share with others; we still love the idea and are keeping it close to heart, but you won't see it in the first few versions of the game.


Are there any plans to have vr compatibility in the first build or is that something you would add later? Or perhaps there’s no plans at all to have the game integrated with vr? Cheers


Sorry to write you so late, we will definitely add VR into Lustbound. We want to focus the Alpha builds on creating and polishing the ground-framework though. While I don't want to rule anything out, VR is more likely to appear in the Beta.