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Good morning everyone and welcome to this month's update blog, we finished some major steps this month and are quite sure you’re gonna like them… But less talking and more showing what happened.


But before we start...

Body shape references:
Thank you so much for all your submissions to the survey we put out early last month! Pink has organised them into her reference folder and will be using them as inspiration for the body customization options!
Now onto the development progress!


IMPORTANT: This post will include references to our released demo, if you haven’t played it, you can
do so here

Overview of what happened / what you will find here:

  • Clothing such as corsets/bras can now alter the body shape.
  • We got an apartment environment for Estelle LIT IT UP!
  • Navigation and cool little interactive bits have been added to the environment.
  • Check out the 180 SBS VR preview of what it looks like so far


Character advancements:
The character system now has the ability to constrain the body to garments such as bras, corsets, shoes and so much more! Imagine a corset automatically lifting and squeezing the breasts…we think it’s pretty cool!

Some of you might have noticed that we already had this in the Companion After Dark demo. It used to take a ton of tweaking to put a single item into the game. With our new system, this can now be done quickly and easily by Pink alone!

We’ve also hired a fourth person, a talented rigging artist to assist Pink in finalizing the character rig and animation controls. Expect more in depth character updates soon!


A place to call her own:
We purchased a beautiful little apartment for our lovely Estelle
(that’s what we call our default female character by the way!) to live in while she waits for you to get home from your work overseas.
While it’s only a start, it has everything she needs to be comfortable and gives us a great launching off point for the environment system. We’ll be continuously adding new furniture, toy and interaction options as we go.
Eventually, we would like to give you the freedom to decorate your apartment in all sorts of ways!


Quality and performance:
Robo has gone to great lengths to ensure the environment both performs and looks great while in-game.
Most of the quality settings have been laid out, and there will be a ton of options for tweaking the graphics to match whatever your computer can handle! [Yes, on-board GPUs can play the game]

Note: This is not a pre-rendered environment like in AA2! It is completely 3D rendered in real-time, and will be fully explorable, with character shadowing, dynamic lighting and interactivity!


Controls and interaction:
Until the male character is made, you’ll be able to navigate the apartment using our new first person controller, which smoothly transitions to the character editor when interacting with your lovely waifu and then back to first person when you’re done customizing.

This is possible thanks to the new interaction system we’ve added, which will allow for all kinds of interactivity to be added around the apartment. The possibilities are endless, playing with toys, opening doors, turning things on and off, cooking, getting handsy and so much more!
(The UI of the menu will change over time, when we know what exactly we will be including in the alpha)

[For a more in-depth showcase of the interaction stuff, watch the video linked "here" [You should really watch it]


Other naughty things:
One more example of interaction we’ve added is the possibility to load up your favorite ??????? video (or Youtube ASMR, or whatever else gets you off) on the TV to watch while you’re chilling with your waifu or perhaps doing other naughty things ;)


Sneak peak:
We know you’re hella anxious to get your hands on the first alpha build, and we can’t wait either; but until the basic character customization is stable, and has a few hot and steamy sex animations, you’ll have to hold on for just a little longer.

In the meantime though, we’ve put together a 180 SBS VR ready video so that you can get acquainted first hand with the new apartment and start feeling at home right now!

(This Video requires a VR headset, you’ll know what to do if you’ve watched VR ????)
Recommended VR-Players:

  • DeoVR on PC
  • Skybox on Oculus Go

OR WATCH IT ON YOUTUBE (Works best on Android or Apple devices)



And that is it for now, everything is slowly getting together and becoming more polished each day.
That said, I'll see you all on next week project poll!




Dam, this is "shaping" up nicely lol. Pretty impressed with all yall have gotten done in a short amount of time. Looks really cool and I like that idea with the TV! Still hope you guys plan on recording the process for when you guys make the animation with that suit. I think ti would be pretty hilarious to see lol


For now the suit is put a bit off, with corona the prices and similar stuff went up a bit. The real "big" time for the suit will come when we figured out how we want to do sequences and similar. But thank you for the feedback <3.


Just watched the demo video and it looks pretty great. Something about her face really irks me... but can't put a finger on it, regardless I'm sure customization will take care of that. Love hearing about the VR direction (planning to get into VR next year), and the graphics are far beyond anything I've seen in the genre. One question though: Ray tracing? :D (Sorry if this has been answered somewhere).


It would be a real treat to have ray tracing, but I'm concerned about the low end PCs performance if you add in a lot of graphics features. But if you can make it work this game will be the most feature rich and most widely playable game ever made. Since you can run it on a $100 potato as well as on a $5000 gaming rig.


So everything looks amazing. the lighting and reflections look great. Over all character model looks nicely done though i'm not sure about the nose. to me it sort of looks blocky compared to her over all softer rounded appearance but at the same time i can't help but feel it works. Apartment looks great and looks believable like someone actually lives there. hoping to see more interactions with the environment in the future. Great job


Thanks for all the feedback <3 As for the nose, wait till we have proper face animation and that should improve the overall mood quite well.


i just want to say wow the amount of detail and work in the project so far is great. not just pouring everything into the model but the environment and how the model interacts with the environment. the best way i can put it is more real or life like to do that. and makes the setting more than a back drop.


I think the tv is a bit 2000, you need to get the 80inch monitor for 2020 ;) Just watched the demo video and so far it looks AMAZING, just WOW It's going to be hard for the rest of the community to top you! even Estelle looks refreshing! Boob physics, then hair physics now all that is missing is some fluid physics :) I hope you guys are planning to add different expression on Estelle. Whoever design the interior of the studio is wow give this man/woman a beer for such a peaceful living quarter. Hmm different interaction, so like you spill some water on the ground and Estelle will have to bend over and clean it. Turning the thermostat hot and she will sweat and takes off her clothes. Sorry my mind is wondering :)


Now I can watch Sponge bob ytps with my waifu.

Neko Chaos

...................god damn this looks nice.


doing a good job man keep it up!