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Hello there everybody!

This post will bring you up2date with the latest stuff that has been worked on. We've been laying the groundwork to quite a few important systems.

This post will also be referring to some parts of the demo, if you haven't played it, you can do so here.

Firstly… the project finally has an official code name! “Drumroll please…” we present to you,

(Design may change over-time)

Lustbound embodies the overall experience we’re trying to create; all the lust, passion and pleasure where you’ll be headed with your chosen partner, waifu or more. “Bound” isn’t meant to imply rope play, but that’s not to say there won’t be any of course...


One of the main things being worked on at the moment is the customization system, with the help of a public framework, we are able to implement quite a few amazing things, that will hopefully enable some juicy character creation when finished. Pinkalie is hard at work testing new ideas and pushing the boundaries of the new system. She’s been integrating a work in progress female model and the results look extremely promising so far...!



Hahaha just joking, this was actually what the character looked like when we first integrated her in Unity at the beginning of the month! Here is a video of the actual progress so far:


We now have an animated body, with customizable features like hair! Each hairstyle will be able to have unique customizable features, such as the bangs length, the hair strands in a ponytail and much more! Though this is just a proof of concept, we want to add many more possibilities in the future such as swappable parts to the hair, so you can mix and match!

The following concept will cover the early stages, of what we have planned.


Another mention-worthy point are the advantages of the new base framework we will be using, to make it short: both users and future modders will have:

  • An easier to learn pipeline makes hiring people or encouraging community creation of clothing and accessories much more straightforward and less time consuming.
  • Little code needed on a per item basis, as the system will automatically handle some of the legwork.
  • Way more body customization possibilities than before! (Some pretty in-depth stuff)
  • Easier to add new morphs over time without having to go back and update all the old items. Even in the cases where this is required, we’ve found a much simpler way to handle it.
  • Smaller, more optimized textures for tiny details such as tattoos and scars etc.
  • Ability to hide underlying mesh data. This means tighter clothing and no more skin poking through clothing!
  • More variety in breast types and genitals.
  • Cleaner workflow means easier modding support down the line. (We'll try to make it as easy as possible to add new items)

While fully supporting mods out of the box is not something we’re actively working on yet, we are taking note of what would be required to make it possible, and taking all of this into consideration while revamping our character system. We’ve heard a lot of great suggestions from you guys as well, and it’s all going into our (very big) idea bank.


Robo has also been working on new shaders to allow for some alternative visual styles. We’re still not sure if we’re going to settle on a single hybrid style or end up offering multiple style choices, but we’ll be asking for your input when we have more concrete examples ready.

As the last piece of game-dev news we need your input on relationship mechanics! We’ve been playing popular games that feature dating and relationships, and we’re trying to find a fun refreshing formula that will do away with the tired old visual novel / “give me presents until I’m wet for you” gameplay.

If you have some good examples, you can post them here or in the dev channel in the Discord.


Another small note ->
The SSE Pack for Skyrim has been delayed a bit as Nico has most likely kissed corona-chan, he's been pretty much out for the last weeks and just now started back work on it again.


Before I forget, since it's Easter today...

Love you all <3




Not sure if that's something you intend to do but on top of a good dating/relationship system, I would also like a good and deep "training" system that you can see (more or less successfully) in some simulation titles (mostly prostitution-themed, but i'm pretty sure some other theme could fit, altough i'm not against that very theme either)


Does the weird bump on the top of the ponytail skullcap rub anybody else the wrong way? Is she smuggling a turtle in her hair?


ok thanks for the nightmares from that first video, very epic


Looking good ! Wait to see more ! (Barret Hitachi just made me laugh)


For the relationship system, it might be good to think about including diminishing returns and decay. for example repeating interactions and gifts start to be come less effective as they are over used even to the point that they can start to negatively impact the relationship because the NPC becomes "annoyed" with the thoughtless repetition. Depending on how complex you want the system to go you


Depending on how complex you want the system to go you you could also think about how the interactions shape the character and relationship. Say you have a NPC that is for lack if a better word your average person( no real emotional disposition or colorful personality) the way you interact with them could cause then to develop in different ways, like being nice to them makes them more open and active and being mean causes them to dislike you and hold animosity. From here you branch out further into developing different types of traits and the dispositions which will effect the overall relationship. This will influes how you can interact with the character how effective those interactions are and allow for the possibility to continuously change how that NPC behaves and feels. example: LOVE to HATE to LOVE to HATE, with grey areas in between, instead of your linear HATE to LOVE standard that most games commonly use.


You know how with Illusion games most of them are bundled with some kind of studio mode where you can make your own poses and "animations" (with use of plugin support or some other 3rd party that is either way too complicated or doesn't work half the time), is this something that y'all are considering? Something easy to use or easy to learn and utilizes all the character's bones? TK17's custom scene is a good example, how it let's you edit the character's pose between frames and can predict movement, or if you wanted to, meticulously edit every frame and even letting you change the character's physical appearance between frames (i.e making something grow or shrink, you get the picture) as well as using prefabbed animations to make new ones from scratch. Plus, it had some liquid mechanics but it really didn't look that great without some modding done, and from personal experience modding TK17 is a pain in the ass, finding them no less. Would be cool to see something like this with the release or sometime after if possible.


Nice demo, seem promising. Continue like these guys !


The "pose editor" and "sequencer" from TK17 (Sexvilla2) is something I wished Illusions games had featured for years now. To me these two features are the most overlooked &amp; needed ones in Sexsim games, to the point of quickly losing interest in any game lacking them. Honey Select: Having endless character customization options is fantastic, it's essential, but at the same time my gorgeous models have only got 40 or 50 (boring) sex poses to choose from, every single time I play... you know what I mean? Those pose editors &amp; sequencers elevates that ancient &amp; outdated Sexvilla2 game to something I can mess around with all year long. = REPLAY VALUE.

Neko Chaos

alright, sappyness inbound. This is not purely for relationships, but i think its a nice idea. A cuddle button, hear me out on this. After the 'fun' is over, instead of just leaving them sitting there with their junk hanging out hit the cuddle button and they do what it says on the tin and you can pick something to say 'I love you, that was great, ect" it could be tailored to personality type. it could even work on none sexy time to raise the relationship. Expanding on Sibyl runner's idea, actually plan a date. They like animals, plan a zoo trip in advance, they like nature, plan a hike. concert? buy concert tickets. You would have to remember that you set it up or just auto do it, You could also buy items to enhance the experience. Also sexy times could occur. a final idea is what i call 'makeout ddr' take a guess what that would be. just for god sake give us some good make outs. if they like it loving do that, they like hard core, go hard core. Also had a stupid funny idea, don't crash the car when getting a driving bj would hilarious.


If you can have an orgy between COM3D2 (concept/theme), Sim4 (sandbox), Skyrim (modding protential), and add a little bit of cuddle/kissing with a buttload of animation/customization then this game will be the best orgy you ever have!


Seems promising! keep it up with the good work guys!