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Hello everyone, so this is the first update since I hinted at that “Big Announcement” earlier this month! Most people might have already guessed by now, but in case you are not that active here, I am indeed starting the production of a brand new game with the help of two talented game developers… a programmer and an artist! We have been courting for the past month and are finally making our partnership official! It’s taking more time than we like on the legal site, but work already started internally.

In the meantime, I’ll leave you with a sneak peak of what you can expect from this exciting new project. The plan is to create a Hentai Game that will bring the best of what is currently loved from games like Koikatsu, such as character customization, but set-up a way more extensive catalogue of sex positions, and then build on top of that with slick UI and a story mode that is focuses on sexual exploration! Once the base game is established, the sky will be the limit for what we can add in terms of cool new features. This will also be more user-orientated, instead of adding unwanted content like it was the case for KK and other games.

This all brings me to this Poll. The devs and I are still establishing exactly what direction the characters will be taking stylewise. We are divided between using either a more western/realistic cartoon style (Stylised) or a more mainstream anime style (Anime).

Both styles come with both pain and gain. Anime style will be easier to animate and add content to, but is hard to make really “special;” while a more unique and stylized aesthetic will offer more beautiful detail and would set this game apart from the rest.

Of course, creating our own unique style would be something both the devs and I look forward to, but if more love is shown to a purely anime looking game, then we would look into making that our priority.

BUT What is more important, is what you think. So this will be first direction-setting Poll.



Damn that's a hard decision


That's a hard one to choose, but since I already have KK for the anime, let's go for another style


That's why you guys can make the decision 💖 But let your hearth decide.


Team anime!


I would choose the anime one, but before... Is anyone have ever played monster girls island prologue ? Its free on steam. If you can do the same detail as this one i will be overjoyed. It doesnt mean to have a hight detail graphic, but ad some like drool or can see a detailled entrance of a pussy (quite perverted yes, but many little detail can make the difference than ultra realistic 3d game)


I really think this project could be more interesting with a style of it´s own,and as Surdjak said before we already had Koikatsu with the anime orientation,either way this is very promising!


Boy that is a tough one. I would be down for more a more stylized art direction but I am worried about work load. The team seems pretty small so I would hate for you guys to bite off more than you could chew. Have you guys considered implementing vr into your game? For me the safe bet is anime. I love kk but having a more fleshed out version would be kickass.


I also agree with Surdjak, and think that we already have KK if we want our dose of anime, which is why I voted for the stylised variant, in order to end up with as much diversity as possible. But whatever you end up choosing, we'll support you ! Good luck with the project.


It would be awsome if you can make the interactions in the game more like in AA2 or Ai girl where you can talk about more specific topics. Also to have relationships/friendships/enemies between the npc like in AA2 would be awsome


I'm leaning towards the stylized look but the face on the model is a bit creepy to me.


Head from anime, body from stylised.


I agree with Francisco, we should have the stylised body with anime faces.


I agree with Keniosk, I'd find a style like that to be pretty pleasant and aesthetically more suitable for your modding and animations.


I really do love watching anime, but i really do not like anime look in games at all.


Agreeing with Francisco and Mrspirit. Stylized looks great, but there is something about that face. Too much detail maybe? Originally voted anime, but I'll change to something else.


Are you creating this game with modding in mind?


Head from anime, body(+hair) from stylised. I think the anime face is nice but it would be even better with the stylised looks of the body and the hair but in any case i will support what wins the poll.


I trust the said game will have VR support? Looking forward to what's in store!


Something about the stylised face is throwing me off but i reckon i'd prefer it because we already have a lot of the other maybe the head from anime and hair and body from stylised. Either way i'm not to fussed because I reckon u have some great ideas. Look forward to seeing what u create!


Any chance to get another example of the stylised look? I found it very intriguing at first but something threw me off in the end, so I went the safe route with anime. The stylised look could be interesting though, would be a shame to rule it out just because the one example was not my taste.


As has been mentioned here I would prefer alittle bit of both


the Style look like the movie Barnyard not my taste if it was more like DOA or something like Patreon Lvl3toaster then that be awesome 👌


I like the physics *jiggle jiggle* :D. Style reminds me a bit of Girlvania: Will it be possible to make the faces look like in that game? https://www.girlvanic.com/girlvania/img/other/girlvania-poster-11.jpg. Anyway looking forward to seeing your project's development. Any rough estimates as to how long it will take before we will be able to play it (including maybe a demo version)?


I actually hate the stylized version.. but im not meaning that offensively.. plus i grew up on anime, so.. I pick the anime version ;)


Not sure why People want anime style, we already have KK for that, something new is always welcomed but alas, the people have voted....for another KK basically


I always feel like, stylized 3d models mostly always look like a cheap "porn game that will make you jizz in seconds". So Animu

Ero Flyn

Definitely as realistic as possible for the basic style, but with easy room for heavy modding. That will allow the user community (assuming the game gets finished and takes off) to make with it whatever they like. As others pointed out, Koikatsu exists already for those who prefer the anime style. If you look at Illusion Cards, there are still people uploading characters *today* for HS, second in number only to KK despite being years old and the release of PH and AI in between then and now. Meanwhile, previous iterations of the anime style from Illusion are nowhere to be seen. So while the anime style has more mass appeal, the realistic style possibly has longer staying power. At the end of the day, the anime style limits players to a few very narrow tropes in terms of appearance and aesthetics. It's nice, but it gets old unless that's really your thing (which it is for a larger number of users here admittedly). Personally I always find myself going back to the realistic Illusion games. But the point here is "realistic Illusion games". As others said, there's room to make characters relatively real looking in those. The sample you've provided here is cute but it's still definitely stylized and not my personal tastes. In terms of development, I'd honestly start with as much visual realism as possible, and then make it easy to customize to get the look you demonstrate above *and* anime depending on user preference, rather than choosing one mode. I'm also assuming here that you're going for a simulation/RPG type game rather than a "visual novel" (ugh). I'll borrow this spot to point out what I don't like about Illusion games. I hate *any* visual novel type elements. It's pure drudgery and mindlessness that I always skip over even the first time. Meanwhile, the actual simulation part (the AI programming of the characters) is extremely unambitious and simple, and also gets *very old very fast*. They're also probably programmed very inefficiently because seem to make a high end PC run like an i386 on Windows 95 doing things which would be fast in any other game. My guess is that when they switched to Unity they simply put a wrapper around the legacy game logic from the AG era and call it from Unity as a DLL or something (probably not the case but performance wise it certainly seems that way). So anyway, my dream game would be basically the latest AI Shojo but with the built in ability to tweak the character attributes and rules (to drastically alter behavior) and the modding capability to freely add new behaviors and animations, or even to replace the body mesh and character creation sliders etc. The point is, I believe, that with the long lasting games (that will pay you for years), it's not the story at all, it's the attraction to keep playing and trying different things, or in Illusion's case, new mods that let you try creating new characters. For the story, I say open it up like Emotion Creators and let users take care of that part. Anyway, just my two cents. I would not follow the survey results in the end though, just do what you personally would enjoy the most.


I'll admit to preferring the anime look, but would be interested to have the Stylized look for a change of pace. Illusion kinda alternates between realistic and anime styles.'


No chance of putting both in? Would be cool to have more options. also have you thought about kickstarter? maybe both as goal lol.


it would be awesome to be able to switch between both. But i would have the go with stylised


Awsome to hear but I'm worried about the game due to patreons policy. Are you gonna make sure the characters are of age so it wont be taken down

Ero Flyn

I'll also add that, considering that there are probably only a couple of programmers working at Illusion in the first place (or maybe they even outsource the coding), the playing field in terms of competing with them is actually probably more level than you would think. On the other hand, as such, I think they are correct in coding the game unambitiously because too much ambition with a small team would probably result in a game that crashed a lot more. I just wish they opened up the internals to easier modding (officially).


I gotta say those Eye's of the Stylized look just have me. And to be honest looks quite nice. Not too fake but clearly on the safe side of the uncanny valley. something a lot of the more western style "Realistic" H-games tend to fail at. Also if im gonna be honest the more Koka look to me is very outdated compared to the Stylized look. Unfortunately looks like the community does not agree.


The Stylized looks unique compared to anything else out there so it has my vote.


I think the stylized needs a little work (especially the eyes) but if it was touched up I would definitely prefer it to the anime style.


After a while, this could certainly be a possibility, however for the beginning and the start of the development. We would focus on one thing.


Please not anime style. So much anime everywhere! Stylised seems so good!!


What about a blend of the two? Cell shaded Stylized?

Alex Nayle

I vote for the stylised. Leave making anime to the Japanese.


Could defiantly be done over the time. This was mainly focused on what we should start with.


We already have koikatsu for anime style. It may be better to try something new here.


Would be nice to see couple examples of both from the artist since it's hard to judge from one picture how well he/she can do anime style vs stylized.


To be quite honest, we were already set about stylized, before thinking it should be polled. So we didn't exactly have any more stuff prepared for that. The work before done by the artist was mainly stylized.


I really hope you go for the more stylized look. I was a bit disappointed the way koikatsu came out in terms of style, since i really liked to look of honey select.


After seing those gif... Well i am quite convinced. I think stylized can have some potencial (if they had some custom that can approach those anime figure and that doesnt limit to their face) and after all the game that you gona make will center all around of our interest. So as the game develop progress we can see the pro and con and in the end it will be a game that every one will play (well i will that for sure). Like i said if stylized can let us (anime lover) recreate our character in our own taste (graphic in stylized style) I will say yes !


please consider some light furry/neko options (like tails and fur patterns or visuals) and sliders. Like small muzzle style, not some of the dramatic stuff you see on the illusion card sites


I like the stylized art, but, big but, I don't like the characters assets... With controlling the sliders myself I'd probably prefer the stylized. I see it more as a "Which would you rather bang?" and in that the model on the anime better suits my wispy desires.

Neko Chaos

The stylized looks like a SIMS character, that what is turning me off personally. I'm willing to see where stylized would tho, lean more human and less doll-like


Char editor will be included, the preview pictures can't be loli, I hope that is understandable.


I mean, there is already so many anime looking hentai games... Stylized would be way more unique and interesting IMO.


Then again, if it is your project, you should follow your heart honestly.


stylised is sims style and very ugly, I would prefer a much better vr experience for koikatsu, but it wont happen so i choose anime style and hope for best


Both are good, the two styles here are just a way to find your own one. So I think both are good, also I like the two of 'em, stylised is more interresting but can divide people as Anime-ish is a security way everyone will accept. Everything will change with the character creation, as far as we can do the character we have in mind without being blocked by the style, it's perfect.


Nothing specific against the stylized, I just prefer the mainstream anime style instead. Koikatu was my main reason for coming here, and seeing a new game of an anime style in its passing would be wonderful.


I mean, there are so many anime style games. The stylized seems more interesting.


I like stylish version if the appearence (body, face, breasts, etc.) are fully, or highly customizable. Edit. It was noted already that this is the case so I pick stylish too. :)


holy fuck what mods are those


i got to go style it looks more like the sims but it looks better with the faces abd body


Flash, it will be a better game if you make what you think is best.


the stylize is creepy


Wish Ai Syoujyo could be release again


I personally like the stylize more. Give it a little bit more curve and you got yourself a winner! Im just guessing all your fans are tired of this type of design because of all the releases that are similar. Sims 4, Fallout, 3dX so on. The most recent anime you release was AI girl.


Sylish looks cool and very different than usual H games so keep working on Stylish type pls... When it will be realized?


Poll conclusion will be published today, a full introduction post with what the game will include, who works on what. Hopefully next week.


I like the stylized. Reminds me of BoneTown


100% gotta be anime style. No questions


Shouldn't even given the choice and pick stylized. People that want anime style can just go and play AA or KK. OR ANY OTHER GAME OUT THERE. I'm so disappointed tbh


You are one person its about what the community wants NOT YOU


Stylised [LEFT]


as ive stated before, i want a koikatsu game with better vr, and if you can do it, i will do anything to get my hands on it (in other words, i wouldnt download it for free and actually buy it from you guys) hoping to see your motivation hyped up for the project


stylized. too much anime in the world lol.