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Hello there everybody.

This Post will contain the last information regarding the site review & decisions that the safety team came to, and also a hint at the "big announcement" that I mentioned in the previous post. (This should also be the final post regarding this matter hopefully)
Before starting with the bad news, let get to a good one.

Ai-Syoujyo can stay on the platform, to be more precise, will come back. After a more in-depth review, the game was deemed safe an I will bring it back once I'll put out a new update.


Now the not so great news, Koikatsu and EmotionCreators is now indexed/blacklisted by Patreon and releasing any kind of content for it will not be possible. I know that the main work-around was to say "Just release it somewhere else or send it out via pm". After asking about this, I got a somewhat clear "no".

Down below is a small excerpt from one of the mails.

"To clarify on your question from yesterday, the main reason why the game Koikatsu is not supportable on Patreon is because it contains depictions of sexualized minors.

Here is that snippet from our guidelines:

Per our guidelines, we have zero tolerance for the glorification of sexual violence, and this includes depictions of sexualized minors, non-consensual sex, incest, and bestiality. This extends to any shota or loli content, since this type of content exclusively references characters who are minors.

Content glorifying sexual violence cannot be funded by or linked to or from your creator page in any way.

You can offer modifications to this game on your own site, but then you wouldn't be able to link your own site to Patreon. Violative content can't be linked to or from Patreon."

This means putting out anything Koikatsu related, out anywhere with a link to patreon would be seen as an offense, making sharing extremly hard.
I'm aware that a lot of people are here only because of Koikatsu / only found me because of it.
For now I can't tell you much more, other than to stay put and await further announcements and how Patreon actually enacts this exactly.
As so far, I'm the only one that received a site review/request to delete specific content.

To prevent misconception about this, the safety team employee already took a deep dive at all the mentioned games and came to this conclusion, it wasn't just made by a single look at a few images.


Before the questions comes up. No, this is not the end for me or anything like that.
It's an unhappy change, but I will not stop creating stuff.

Regarding that, the Sims 4 Pack (Testers searched) will be released soon and all the new COM3D2 content has been collected as well.


Now to get back to the "big announcement" I mentioned in the last post (This will receive a dedicated post in the next days, as feedback on this post will most likely be more koikatsu related)

To sum up a bit of info, thanks to the increasing support the last few months, I was able to put a bigger focus on a project that has been lingering around for a bit now.
Thanks to that, it's now getting traction and work on it will start full-time soon.
It will not be modpack, but something even better and everlasting, with a experienced dedicated team working on it.

More info about that in the "Announcement post" in the next few days.



Tiz Michael Ly

Although this is unfortunate do your best i will support you and your endeavors good luck stay tough and soldier on.


Very glad to hear that and thanks <3. I really hope the new project will catch people the same way KK did,


That's a shame, but I'm glad they didn't give you the boot. Also have you thought of maybe making a fantia account? They seem to let most things slide.


I do feel comfortable here on Patreon, and I know that a lot of the people are accustomed to be here and don't really intent to switch just for one game. For now I want to see how everything goes down and how the newer projects get received. Never actually heard of the site though... but I'll keep it in mind, thanks for the info and support <3

Juha Linna

Good to see you are finding new projects. I have seen few patreons to move other platform like subscribestar because patreon don't allow anymore their content like hypnotism etc.


Yeah, it might be a good idea to consider that. Patreon is not really a site whats friendly towards "offensive" contents, sooner or later they find something else to nitpick about.


Well .... As we understood, Koikatsu will no longer be on Patreon. It's a pity ... But I'm sure this should not stop you from further creation.


Ugh Patreon is lame as hell. I'm sad they literally think fantasy is reality.


guide lines are there for a reason its a pain, but understandable to a point. More over glad you can keep going, and looking forward to your future projects.


Yeah, I can understand a bit where they came from too. School setting, darkness and some other stuff are always a time-bomb when it comes to porn-games.


a shame that they can't separate fiction and nonfiction...


Probably no good too, but since steam has the "limited" version of koikatsu that removes, well, everything but the sex part of the game, maybe you could make stuff for that one. Probably not though since Patreon has spefically called out Koikatsu.


Subscribestar :)


Any suggestions where to get a final download link to 5.8 of Koikatsu? Was trying to re-DL it last night (or the night before) and internet problems cause me to push it off.


could you possibly set something up in discord for Koikatsu? Have a download link channel only accessible to the respective patreon tiers. It doesn't sound like this would be breaking their TOS as long as you dont link the content on patreon


Sadly, this is exactly what they meant with that. Believe me that I put in a lot of consideration in how and such, but I'd like to let a bit of grass grow over the entire thing for a bit. I hope that's understandable :x


ill still support ya either way!


Ever tried creating your own website?


I am a web developer let me know if you need any help, you have enough of a following that you can jump from patreon, they are NK levels in web censorship.


Thanks for the update, good to hear you can continue producing most of your content. Very sad to here about koikatu though, that was my favorit out of the bunch but nothing to be done I suppose. Will keep hopes up for a workaround or something. Appreciate your work!


Bro, can you give us passwords for "Koikatu 5.8 FREE - FlashBangZ" and "Koikatu 5.8.2 - Patch" archives? I downloaded them like 2 weeks ago, but now obviously I can't open them. Thanks.


Will let the entire thing cool off a bit and put focus on something else in the meanwhile. Glad to see interest is still there.


wow.. so 2 underage ppl having sex is now considered sexual violence lmao.. This world should just nuke itself out of its misery.

Therin Whitten

Holding hands will soon be considered sexual violence. Ironic the government doesn't even need to censor.


How strange that Patreon would be so strict when you can actually buy Koikatsu on Steam!


well this sucks. does anyone remember the password for Koikatu 5.8 free zipfile ? i have the file but not the password e-e

Acidic Dragon

you know you could just release it on discord

Paciotti cicciotti

That sucks, i hope you will continute to make koikatsu content.


Goodbye koikatsu :(


manlymarco continues releasing patches and mods for Koikatsu though. Maybe you could release mod files collections separately too instead of the full game


There was no issue in what I release, but rather the game. It seems there was no real intention of patreon in removing the game from here, but rather a specific report at me.


What's the update on this? Where can we download your latest version of Koikatu from mister Flashbangz?


May I have a link to the discord then, please? :)


because you got the link for Koikatu 5.8 FREE - FlashBangZ