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Sorry for the posting delay...Anyway here we go:

I think all the problems that came up in the last few days are fixed now, however, if you find something, please report it so that it can be fixed before releasing to all Patreons.


Important: This is build on-top of the vanilla content, meaning the good looking stuff, need to be selected, it's usually marked with "H5 or R9"
That also means loading times are longer than usual in games.

PW: Thanks2Rinne3D


In case you are looking up gameplay for this game, please don't be scared of the garbage graphics. This has been fully overhauled in this release (Look at the post before to see some screenshots


I'm also going to rework this post, but I don't have access to my PC atm, so...yeah



  • 1 - Run the "? - Installer Fix (RunMeOnce).bat" once (It will ask for admin permission twice)
  • 2 - Launch the "? - Launch TK17.bat" and set your resolution.
  • 3 - Fap :3




I like step 3! Thanks Flash <3


i dunno why but when I run INstaller Fix it does not find my game path and that makes my game crash :/


DirectX Version 8 or higher is not installed or damaged. thats what i get when i try to start the game. pretty sure i have directx installed on my pc.


It doesn't run with the newest version, try to install 8 or 9 directly and restart once.


Loading time is insane, guess that is what you get for an old game like TK17... alot of the poses dont work btw


Some are bound to specific rooms / genders, one of the old test script, doesn't work anymore sadly aswell... :x


is there a reason the FPS is so low? is does it just happen to me?


I'm having the installer fix problem as well. Using the steps only leads to the "Archives not found" error. Using the command shell to run the game causes a message to pop up saying that it can't find the main game launcher (TK17_Launcher and not TK17-114.001 or TK17-114.001_mod). I've checked regedit, couldn't find any files regarding TK17.


It should install a reg file to set-up the correct settings, running thr command shell adds the game path to tge folder where you run it from.


Same problem here. It doesnt work even if i register the keys myself.

Huseyin E.

the game runs for me but takes for ever to load anything, i mean like 10mins+ to get into the select screen. And its not like my pc is bad either, i got Radeon RX 580 8GB GPU, AMD Ryzen 5 2600x and 16gp of DDR4 RAM so it shouldnt take this long, even my 4k fully modded Skyrim has a faster loading time. Not sure whats causing it beisdes maybe the installer fix giving me errors after i type "man" command in the terminal. and for some reason story mode just crashes for me, quick mode works tho.


Loading is pretty long, that's sadly how the game is designed and the amount of mods. As for the installer fix, you are not supposed to write anything in there. If the command line appears, you can close it again.


Hey, FlashBangZ, just wanted to say thanks for all the hard work! Keep it up!


Since the game load way too long. I Moved the game from D: to my SSD C: But it won't start. it said "Archive not found"


You need to change the registry path again, send me a pm on Discord and I'll help you real quick


I instaled it, the game starts, the screen shows with the frame, but does not work. It doesnt appear the options or anything. its a loading screen that takes forever??? I've check the regedit, its totally fine. I'm using the windows 10.


Sorry, it works, but its really slow... the game is 32bits


Getting errors when tryin got use the installer fix .bat file. I get 'E:\New' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. * type 'man' to get the list of available commands TK17 #


Like said before, you can ignore what the command line says, if the window appeared, you can close it again.


I like the instructions! :D


OK Guys! I got the Archive problem solved. Since I played this game before, and did not reinstall my computer for some reasons, the old install left some key in the registry. I have to manually delete them and after that I can run the Install fixer bat. And now its working with the Launch bat. You can find the related keys in the reg file in the Save folder. But be careful, if you don't know what you do, you can damage the registry and f**k up you windows install.


That's why I usally told people to pm me when they had this problem xD. I could wrote a small cleaner and put it up in tge discord.


What I do is move my old TK17 to my external HD and install this one instead. Problem solved! )


I wrote you a PM on november 14th but i still don't have any news.


Hmm, how to activate R9 poses and models? They don't work when trying to click on them.


"Important: This is build on-top of the vanilla content, meaning the good looking stuff, need to be selected, it's usually marked with "H5 or R9"" where do I go to select this?


Im having an issue with male customization. When I load some Male characters I get the option to customize but I can't add hair or wigs. Nothing shows up when I select them and then when I pick characters like hugo or Abdul i cant customize them at all


I cant download. I'm getting the 404 error.


so is this for 3D sex villa 2 b/c i dont know where to get the first one


Load times till the title screen menu are slow ,same for character customization and quickgame times. is it normal? Eg had to wait 3 minutes for customization menu to appear.


for some reason the install fixer thing doesn't recognize my D: drive, so it doesn't run. 'man' doesn't seem recognized either, whatever that supposedly does. any workaround without transferring the whole thing to my C: drive?


Sadly yeah, game is hardly optimized. The newer versions are a bit better though.


Getting a white texture glitch on skin when using a whip.


Story Mode seems a little bit buggy for me. I cant read the dialog because of the timeline bar (i don't know what it really is, all i know is when i click on one of the buttons it crashes), why is the timline bar even there?


This was mainly designed for the free-play, as story never really worked or looked good..

Man Man

just pldeged just to write something here. first i am sorry for downloading this from another site for free (that's why i immediately pledged to pay for what has to be paid.) Loading times are several minutes long game runs terribly slow and unresponsive with a very mediocre and unstable framerate. 9900k 5.2 Ghz 4.8 Ghz Cache 32GB DDR4 4400 Mhz CL 19 2080 Ti AMP Extreme at 2.1 GHz and 16200 Mhz Memory


This comes from a lot of added mods, content and more on the old 7.X build of TK17 Loadingtime is indeed long and can be annoying. Low Framerate is weird, as I haven't noticed any problems before. Still thank you for the support.


Hallo bei mir kommt immer die Meldung "Archives not found" wenn ich es isntallieren will ... brauche hilfe :(


ich finde das spiel so super.. gibt es da keine updates mehr zu...?