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EYN stands for: Everything-You-Need Modpack [I'm not good at naming things...]

README: For any problems or things where you think "It's weird that this problem exists even though there was testing" take a look in the #com3d2-eyn-error-faq channel in the discord.
With that all said, what do I download here flash?
-> Fully patched & Uncensored Modpack - With all essential plugins
-> Usable on Nutaku/Offical/Steam Version
-> Official content ported
->Pre-installed mods (more will come in the later versions)

07.09. - Changes in V4:
-Added COM3D2 content from the japanese version [About 9GB]
-Fixed two small crash bugs

10.09. - Changes in V5:
-Changed how the uncensor works
-Added the latest update from the japanese version
-Added more offical content
-Added quite a few mods (If some spout out errors, please let me know)
-Added a few plugins, which may help studio users
-Added a few plugin translations
-Smaller tweaks here and there

Dropbox +
NeptuniumNectarine +
Size V5: 36.5GB -> 26.8GB +


1. Download the Modpack.
2. Place the .7z in the desired location and extract into the root folder.
3. Start "COM3D2x64.exe" and enjoy the new content.




Can I use my previous version safegame?


Cool, thanks for the quick reply :)


will it be in torrent?


it's been two time that the download failed at 24,XXGo (3h+ :-( ) anyone with the same issu, any soluce ?


Does your repack contain the content you get by linking the original CM3D2 with COM3D2? Just wondering if I can delete my massive CM3D2 folder that I only use to link.


Sadly, you can't link the the japanese version with the english one, but the content was ported over as best as possible.


Downloaded first attempt at constant 20 MBPS. Might try a download manager or maybe different browser.


You guys are awesome! Thank you for this! Quick question. there a "Male_Body" I don't like the blue skin in Hentai game. (I see it in the mod folder but unable to see it in-game)


It won't start for me, the BepInEx gets red letters then stops loading and the game is at a black screen


Is there a difference to the AIO V3 version for 10$ patreons some days ago?


US here, i only seem to get 1.3mb/s at most, and it becomes forbidden at around 20gigs. At this point i think i'm entirely unable to download, unless there's an alternate download?


Do I need the steam version to play the game? Or if I download this will the game be in itm


i cant download i tried several times but i keep getting error its there another way to download


I assume you're getting a network error or failure to download? I'm getting the same thing. I CAN get it, but it takes two or three tries and they end up, as far as I can tell, corrupted.


So I just need the base game? Nothing more? (Like optional extension?)


Does this include the R18 patch for the Steam version or does that still need to be obtained separately?


I can't download too :( I will try for the fourth time >< (sorry for my bad english)


Using IDM (Internet Download Manager) really does seem to work. Not done yet, so fingers crossed, but it dropped from 6hrs on a 100mbps connection to 35 minutes. As Flash said, it may be a location issue and IDM seems to circumvent that.


Downloaded and installed alright, few bugs with some of the clothing, but the real weird one was the character skins, I don't know if I should attempt to redownload and reinstall it, but in my situation all of the female characters have some of their body half covered in some kind of white skin.


VR constantly crashes on start up..... gonna check discord and see if its been an issue....


Hmm, doesnt work for me even with IDM. Are there any news regarding the download?


Same here - dropbox doesn't seem to work.


get almost to the end and get forbidden error (for the dowload)


Not sure whats going on but every time i download this file and try to extract it. I get about half way then get nothing but errors "Data Error : Wrong Password?". Happens only half way through extracting and can extract half the files but not other half not sure if this is data corruption or somehow has two passwords...


Same as above. The password gets rejected about halfway through.


I have a call with DropBox tommorow, I sadly not knoe what's up exactly either.


I get a couple of warning messages during the extraction.


Unpacking on my ssd worked like a charm (first link). I guess it was fixed or am i just the lucky one again?^^


I used IDM and it worked for me. Nonetheless i only get a white screen when starting the game. BepInEx tells me the preloader and chainloader are disfunctional. I downloaded two more times and still get the same result. :( It seems like the files are corrupted. What do you think?


Any new update? Isnt there supposed to be a stripper pole added in?


GP-02 isn't designed for the english version. However I'll try to port the content over of course.


Any word from dropbox? my download still cancels around 20gigs and becomes forbidden, with either link.

Jimmy Jangles

That somethingsomethingtoon texture error is kinda killing my buzz. Also, when are you adding the DLC? Just the three personalities is a little... Small for everything COM3D2's older DLC already provide.


work fine for me so far. hoping that you would up add more dlc and stuffs. thanks.


Like said before, some older DLC content soft-locks the game. I've added all clothing and part related stuff from the though. More will come with the time of course.


still gives error ;(


i can download it up to around 20 gigs until it gives me an error "forbidden", i tried using different browsers and everything but still ends up with same results :(


Is there any way to change only the position of the maid?


Jdownloader works, but basically everything added past, and including some of, V3 is corrupted on Extraction.


download and extraction seem fine. on start there is an error about a dll but the game still runs. only problem I have found is a lot of missing textures for clothes with some ctd when finding them. do I need to download the only files and update them for the missing files?


archive unpacking errors fixed? For download I used "download master". And WINRAR, is it care?

Jimmy Jangles

So when are the official DLCs gonna be added? 'Cause the claim is that it's got "all official content", but it's lacking, among others, all the personality packs. Just 3 personalities isn't much when there's about 8 available with all content packs installed. There's also a lot of "yotogi" packs that add more positions to the game and a loooot more content in the story. You got this planned in a future update? Or is it a "do it yourself" case?


This is the english version NOT the Japanese version, I've added as much as I can. But several people reported soft-locks when installing more than the clothing from the Japanese DLCs. You can take a look in the GameData Folder to see that everything clothing / Accessoires related was installed. E.G parts_dlcxxx.arc If you get the other stuff to run, I'll of course try again and add as much as possible. Since pretty much everything get's ported over one after another, this would be only a matter of time anyway though.


Never heard of Download Master, people got it working with IDM and JDownloader so far.


stops downloading between 4 and 7 GB for me. whats up with that


A small handful has weird download problems, I've talked with DropBox two times so far were they ensured me they'll fix or work on that 403 error. If it still doesn't work after downloading with IDM or JDownloader. Please contact me in Discord.


hey, quick question but does this include the base game or is it just the mods and dlc?


I also receive 877 "Data Error : Wrong Password?" errors during extraction. They seem to be specific to the "Mod" folder, if that helps.


How exactly did uncensored change?


Installed with default chrome installer and resulted with error at the end. Tried again with IDM and it worked. Use IDM all! http://www.internetdownloadmanager.com/download.html


quick question: does this include the game itself, or is it just a modpack? It's not entirely clear from the description


I can't download it.. Can you upload it to Google Drive?

Gerhard Wilkens

i downloaded both links a few times now and i am getting a lot of checksum errors while unpacking.


@FlashBangZ what a different COM3D2 Ori and COM3D2 Night Magic ?


so... everytime I get to 24 gb and it fails.. I click retry and it just hangs there and does nothing (im using firefox if it matters)


wrong password


sorry for the question but this one is an ehanced version of the normal COM? or what is the difference with the normal one?


and...this version is better or the EYN-V4?


after downloading multiple times every time i extract it i get this even tho there is 1tb free E:\downloads\Custom Order Maid 3D2 - AIO V5 - FlashBangZ.7z: Write error in the file . Probably the disk is full


also do most of the files work for cm3d2? or only com3d2


I hate that blue-main-dude. I want to Change him and see that there are Folders with "normal" dudes. But when i copy These Folders in the mod Folder (other others i tried) Nothing changed. WHen i want to edit the male its Always that blue dude. Please help :/


How to play in VR


does anyone know if this will work with the current version? or has it been long enough since the last update to this that its probly going to be broken?


Has all work on this stopped? no more updates from you?


is there a way to get different male bodies for the owner i am only getting alien, grey and gold bodies.


Game-Dev and all has taken time away from this, if time gaps open up, I usually update the more active stuff.


The download always stops for me at 22.7GB I tried different download managers and both links. Is there perhaps something wrong with the file? Please help.


Is there a way to re-download this file? lost it on my old computer and been trying to get it back but no luck.


download stops at 10 GB