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Good morning everyone,

After several people still having trouble with the GDrive byepass and out private hoster canceling us a week back, after too much download-traffic, I tried to changed things up

After writing with Google about the limit, I soon realised that this will not get me anywhere, more specific, it won't get me the solution or option I wanted.

Sooo following that up, I started writing a bit with the support team from OneDrive and having a nice talk with an employee from DropBox.
That said we now have two new hosters, meaning I will start moving everything from GDrive over to these two. (Could take a bit)

Thanks to the phone-call I now have an individual DropBox Enterprise account with NO download limit / NO Quota / NO no more weird download methods, this will be used primarily for Patreon-Only downloads.

OneDrive will serve as the main hoster for all "quick-to-download" files like patches and smaller packs.

BOTH don't require an account / any further work. Simply clicking on download, will get you there. The only speed-limit will be your own net.

Uploading to both is also a lot easier and stable, I have not had a single cut-out so far.

Meaning downloads will look like this in the future -> >Download<

Now for COM3D2, after having a few testers play it, everything seems to be working.
A small test-version to get multiple feedback will be released today, for 10$ first as usual, if that is working fine, I will continue to add other content the way I added it that version. '

I'm aiming to have it fully fledged out in a few days. As you can see in the above image, you get a lot more stuff than in the base-game alone. The first test version will have about 2-3x the base game stuff / The last one should have 4-5x the amount.

IF you encounter any bugs (which will most likely happen). Please report them on the Discord, same goes if you notice something missing / have feedback for improvement.
If you were an active COM3D2 player, you might find one or the other plugin missing, if you think it would essential or good as an optional one. I, of course, would also like to hear that.

That should be pretty much it for today. Have a good one <3





Obama San

you're doing gods work man. keep it up


What time will the COM3D2 be released today?


I do love reading angry German comments to pass time :P especially since you guys are neighbours!


When will COM3D2 be released?


Tommorow will be the last test of the version I finished today. After that it will be out.


Oh... i wasn't aware you are german. xD Grüße aus Frankfurt am Main!


Will the COM3D2 Mod pack be someday also free to downloade like KK ?