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To keep the not so nice part short: I got back from my girlfriend today and booted up my PC as usual, mainly to answear a few pm's and get a full look at Koikatu Party.

After I got something to eat and came back about an hour later I noticed the lovely smell of burned plastic and a bluescreen.

From the looks of it, my CPU is fried, my GPU is now full of plastic and the mainbord can most likely be thrown out aswell. I've just went to a tech store to see what's still usable, but I'm most likely not going to get around the fact that I need to order a few new parts.

As soon as I know more, I'll update this post,

The most important thing, meaning the harddrives, didn't recieve any damage, atleast from the looks of it.

FOR TECH-SUPPORT: Please write under the post, or better send me a pm via Patreon, I will try my best to help via phone.

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Rip dad. I most import part is the hardrives, everything else is replaceable


Better wanna have a look at your cooler and power supply, too. You don’t want to risk breaking your new components if the culprit is one of those.


Remember. Backups are your friends. Always be prepared for the worst.


Terrible news but glad the HDD is safe, hope you can get things fixed again soon


All I got tondo is buy new parts . Also if your cpu melted your Mobo it means it overheated due to the pump or cooler not working , or 2 u where overclocking ur CPU and if your going to overclock a cpu Wich inqm assuming is an intell or last gens and 9 series ur better off upgrading to a ryzen .


Hope you get everything sorted soon


Yikes, just had my mobo deep six on me. Sold my old cpu and memory on eBay and bought and AMD setup! Loving the upgrade! At any rate good luck getting back up and running!!


Oh my, i wonder when my time will come, but hopefully you got your PC again ! And i hope the HDD was fine..

Therin Whitten

Sounds like a power supply, or cpu, or motherboard failure. I wouldn't use that power supply again. 50 percent chance your storage is fried. Ugh. Thanks for the heads up. Excuse to upgrade? I would get an external drive just to test your drives. And hopefully the ram is ok.


How on earth did that happen?! Did the PSU over volt the motherboard, GPU and CPU? That's not cool that it did that. though at least your drives are alright. If I had more funds I would donate to your PC rebuild...


To be honest I'm wondering that as well, I don't see how that could have happen from a week of inactivity. Patreon income should be more than enough to cover all the costs, I'll most likely just get a new case and do a full upgrade of most parts, to ensure that doesn't happen again.


Yeah I'll upgrade most of the stuff, that should help with packing size + time aswell.


I'm having a hard time getting the game in fullscreen. The settings from the flash launcher aren't saving. Any advice?


How do you move/change the camera when you are in a chat interaction with a girl. What is the keybind?


I don't think there is a way to do that, as further interactions happen in Free-H


FLashBangz how do you feel about koikatsu party releasing on steam? is there going to be separate updates for it or will the repacks convert completely to koikatsu party over time? Also those weebos on the steam forums dont like you very much, i defended u and got banned from the forums , gg =) its ok coz i enjoy your work, fuck those dweebs!


There will be a special version released for Party. As for others, well can't do anything against that.


dude thats no bueno


Funny them attacking him is what made me come here and I love his stuff


Didn't know you were from Germany. Alles wieder im reinen? kann KK ohne dein pack gar nicht mehr wirklich spielen :D ( 1 Time thing cuz funny me)(not funny)


Were you able to find out if its possible to rip the translation from the steam version?


I haven't been able to get a look at the stuff yet, but I will do that when my PC is back up and running.