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5.4 is nearly done and will be released today.

A few members of my Discord asked me if I could optimize the size even further to make downloading with slow-net speed easier.

So I'm thinking of creating a Studio/VR less version (as these two aren't used anyway that option. That will still leave all the content for the main game. It would save about 2,2GB and maybe about 3GB in download when compressed.

EDIT: Alright, will do one.

Small Info: 5.4 Will be available to Hentai-Experts for the next two days as usual, after that. 5.4 will be free for everybody to download and use.


Benjamin Donahue

Downloading isn't the problem. Playing it is. Takes for ever for the main game to load


That shouldn't take too long, however performance has increased in the latest version. Hopefully that fixes the issue for you as well.


Not a Problem for me. But I can understand if people don't want the side modes. I never touch 'em and i suspect the majority don't either. the amount of people who have VR is already extremely minuscule on its own.


why not? not everybody uses studio or have vr


I actually use sutdio but not vr.....as an option you could leave those 2 folders as separate download and we can just place them inside the the main folder if we want them.


I do use studio, but don't mind the idea of providing a smaller option to people who don't.


I hope that Hip size changing ,won't affect skirts anymore.


Maybe a torrent option would benefit those with slow speeds?

Zachary Melah

what ever happened to this mod pack?


△ Mod Updater Tool not working =( API responce: ResourceNotExists CG.Web.MegaApiClient.ApiException: API response: ResourceNotExists в CG.Web.MegaApiClient.MegaApiClient.RequestCore[TResponse](RequestBase request, Byte[] key) в CG.Web.MegaApiClient.MegaApiClient.Request[TResponse](RequestBase request, Byte[] key) в CG.Web.MegaApiClient.MegaApiClient.GetNodesFromLink(Uri uri) в CG.Web.MegaApiClient.MegaApiClient.<>c__DisplayClass81_0.b__0() в System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.InnerInvoke() в System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()