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I am terribly sorry to leave this rapidly, but after I've received a emergency call from close relatives I need to leave for a few days and visit them.
I will try my best to give support over phone and via E-Mail, depending on the outcome of this trip I might not be in the best in the best condition though.

FR3 will be released as soon as I'm back home, everything is running nearly flawless now and the only thing left is to upload the new Mod-pack. Thanks to a few helping hands the uploading problems should be gone too.
As for an update to the KK-Modpack, I will try to rush that out too as soon as I'm back.

I will update this post further when I have an idea of how long this trip will take, I can't rush this though, please understand this.
I'm also aware that I'm normally more transparent about this, but even I can't say for sure about how this is going down

EDIT: Thanks everyone for the warm words, I really appreciate them. From what I've gathered so far I should be home at the 3rd, unless some legal stuff is coming up, but I'm just going to hope it doesn't come to this.

EDIT 2: I'm back now, I can't really it was good, but well.
I will try to get back everything on schedule again. KK hotfix first, to fix some bugs. After that I will finally tackle the FR3 Upload.



Hope things go as well as they possibly can.


Best of luck


Fuck me dude it’s christmas have a break anyways!


Good luck man


Best of wishes i hope it's nothing serious


take care of yourself and family, that s the priority


Hope everything turns out ok buddy.


I hope everything is alright but please send them my regards

The Neon Reaper

Take as long as you need, family must always come first. I'll be sending positive thoughts and wish you and your family all the best. <3


Family is the most important man, take all the time you need


good luck hope every thing turns out fine


Good Luck!


I hope everything turns out okay for you! <3


I hope everything will be fine!


What's FR3?