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Welcome back to the second Update Report. Now before anything else, let's get out the bad news. FR3 get's a delay, all of my release ideas have been proven to be not working the way I wanted them too. The Modpack itself is working more than fine, but the releasing has been proven to be more difficult that I anticipated.
I'm going to try a few more technical approaches next month.

But now, back to the rest

#1 - Releases this months.

  • KK Modpack 4.9 | 4.12-8.12
  • KK Modpack 5.0 | 21.12 - 24.12
  • Christmas special for all Patreons [RL Stuff] + New stuff for higher tiers
  • If I figure out a way...FR3....

Planned next month

  • New playhome modpack [After I wasted my time with FR3] I need to delay this too.


#2 - Good news

Heyyy it's Christmas soon, feel happy and buy some mistletoe's.
Also I'm preparing a small Christmas gift for all of you, pretty sure you're going to like it. If it works (and looks) the way I want to to, it will become a permanent service for the higher tiers.
Also I'll prepare for some game-key giveaways. (You can gift them to your family if you haven't bought presents yet).
Giveaway will most likely be the 23.12. So you can all unwrap your real presents on the 24.12.



#3 - Other Infos

Skyrim Pack got pretty good feedback so I'll be looking into that.

And we now a few more discord moderators, so please welcome them <3



Ty man , good job xD


KK modpack 5.0 around for Christmas time, what a great early Christmas present.


do you have any link for FR2 ?


Is the PlayHome modpack due this month? (December)


What's FR3?