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Hello there, welcome to the first update report, I will put them in three sections, first one will be upcoming Modpack releases, with dates (as far as I can provide them. Since most people are interested in them). Second one will be good news and such. Third one will be other smaller details. So let's get started.

#1 - Releases this months.

  • Uncensored English H-Game Mod Pack - 17.11-20.11
  • FR3 (beg that my pc doesn't burn again)

Planned next month

  • New Playhome modpack


#2 - Good news

After a week delay my new monitor is finally here, that means no more 1680x1050 Monitor + 720x480 Tablet (This setup was really eye cancer)

Also Vodafone finalized their constructions and I can now upload with about 5MB/s-6MB/s. This will most likely the best news for you all (had 500Kb before that)


#3 - Other Infos

After there was talk about a skyrim modpack in the discord one of my users has pm'ed me, as he got quite a nice setup and would share it with me.

Now the question is, would you like it / download it? If interest in present, I'll share a few screens of how the game is looking.



Is the Skyrim modpack for Skyrim or Skyrim SE? Asking because mods for them aren't cross compatible so if you're running one and the mods are for the other, you can't use them.

Micheal Corno

I every now and again have interest in lewd skyrim mods, but usually get turned off by it after days of adding mods, trying my best to follow load order instructions, add 1 mod in the wrong order, and it breaks the whole install no matter what order I put it in or remove it entirely a large fully functioning modpack would be godlike


Fully agree on that! A modpack would make many, many people happy XD


Ive actually wanted a fully moded stand alone skyrim for awhile. in my case specifically it was one with the mod were every one is replaced by the Elin race from terra (along with all the armor/clothing/weapon mods to go with it). and it you could some how make the lovers lab framework and anmations work with sad race that would legendary.


Big yes for a functional mod pack for skyrim! 😙


A Skyrim mod pack would be nice


Skyrim is god-tier when modded. 10/10 would mod again


Skyrim modpack omg, I need that sht


Skyrim has always been a complete pain to mod, never understood how some could get twenty mods working, let alone three hundred. I've always wanted to play with a big throbbing sack of mods, so I'd certainly enjoy it. Especially if you can work your magic to make adding other mods a bit easier on the logically impaired.


for skyrim mod pack, that is awesome, absolutely need it haha


A skyrim modpack is a brillaint idea


Yeah I would love to see a skyrim pack!


um hell yeah a modpack for skyrim would be amazing!


Yeah i would love a skyrim mod pack as it is a pain for me to get everything right all the time

Punto Rumbo

Yeah Skyrim all the way


Absolutely. Skyrim is always a huge pain to get modded when I add tons of gameplay enhancements, visual improvements, and adult mods from places like lover's lab. Keeping all of that stable is really difficult, and random things breaking the game is usually why i end up giving up after a while whenever i start a new playthrough. Even for just adult mods, it would be hugely helpful if there was a thorough and stable modpack.


I would love a skyrim repack, everytime i mod skyrim, everythjings seems to go wrong. so it'd be a huge relief to have someone elses modpacks


I'd love a skyrim modpack as well!


Well that depends of what that user instaled cuz some erotic mods can conflict with ours favorites for exemple


Artificial Academy 2 with translation and everything would be great!


Skyrim sounds good


I think AA2 has a problem in that it doesn't run correctly/at all on windows 10


I would like a Skyrim one.


Skyrim would be great!


Skyrim with all the bestiality, futa and slave ownership stuff would be nice.


Yes!! for Skyrim Mod


Neko girls <3