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Some of you have asked the legitimate questions about my uploading times and so on.

Now what I would like to do is just release stuff when I get it done. But sadly my German garbage connection (I would pay for Fiber but it's just not available) won't let me upload files over 15GB without cutting out once.

So how do I fix that?
Well I talked with one of my recent chiefs at my old workplace who offered me to use his high-end fiber connection at my old work-place after hours for some technical service from my end.

How does that affect you (as a Patreon)?

Well, you can expect the uploads once or twice per month depending on the project size and so one. (I will still try to upload Koikatsu from my home, as it need more updates)

Just wanted to give this small update since a few people asked.

Have a great day.



Can't wait for more koikatsu! Thanks flash sama


Thanks for the update


It's good that your old boss will do that for you.


I know, I prefer to do it in one file, but this might be one of the only solutions left for me.


is it me or some character events don't work. every time i click the character events, its an eternal loading screen for me. White background with music, i can even move my mouse cursor but nothing came up.