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Introducing SensuAI

SensuAI is a cutting-edge AI we've trained over the last few months to replace the predictable pattern-based motions in Lustbound with more dynamic and lifelike interactions.

Version 1.0 was meticulously trained on over 50 hours of carefully selected porn footage, enabling it to mimic real-life movements of various sex acts with different levels of intensity, depth, and range.

These movements are used to drive character sex animations in Lustbound and, simultaneously, translated into precise commands for Bluetooth sex toys to follow.

With SensuAI, you’ll enjoy a more tailored experience as the AI adapts to your needs in the game down the line. We’re confident that anyone who had trouble reaching climax with Lustbound and their Bluetooth toys before will find it much easier now.

We’re excited to announce that Version 1.0 of SensuAI is already being tested in Lustbound Version 1.7.6, and will be available to Patrons soon! (Also a big thanks to the in-depth feedback from our current testers πŸ’•)

Every motion in Lustbound is now controlled by SensuAI, which you can see in action during gameplay and through new controls in free play mode.



How it works

During training, video data was segmented into smaller parts based on predefined rules. Specialized algorithms then classified and tagged each segment with three values: intensity, depth, and range. In Lustbound, SensuAI chooses each stroke based on these values.

Intensity refers to the degree of strength or power behind each movement, ranging from slow and relaxed to fast and vigorous.

Depth refers to the extent of each movement, spanning all possible positions from just the tip to all the way down to balls deep.

Range refers to the variety of movement at a given depth, ranging from low (staying close to the target depth) to high (more variety around the target depth).

For example, if you prefer slow, deep strokes while climaxing, SensuAI would adapt by using low intensity, high depth, and low range values. In contrast, if you like fast and shallow strokes during foreplay, SensuAI would adjust to high intensity, low depth, and high range values.


Limitations of version 1.0

While SensuAI is already quite proficient in most situations, there are some gaps in its knowledge.

For example, some low-intensity strokes may not be as slow as expected, as the training data lacked very slow scenes.

The same goes for certain depth and range combinations that were underrepresented in the training data, resulting in too much variance where more precision is needed, such as staying deep over time.

Variation makes movements feel realistic, but we want the system to be able to work in any situation.


Upcoming version 2.0

These limitations have driven our efforts to improve and expand SensuAI's capabilities.

We’re already working on SensuAI version 2.0! This time, we’re using over 100 hours of footage, including specific acts and movements missing from version 1. We also pruned some unusual motions from the original training data.

We now collect stroke data when you submit a bug report using the in-game feedback form. Please report any strange or broken movements to help us improve the next version of SensuAI!


New gameplay mode'

Since the original game-mode was designed around the old pattern-based system, we’re developing a new gameplay mode built around SensuAI’s strengths. We can’t share too many details yet, but it’s coming and it’s going to be naughty good fun!





Hard to know what any of this means for actual usage but AI sure does sound cool on paper. More interested in that new gameplay mode πŸ‘€