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GOOD MORNING/AFTERNOON/EVENING/NIGHT TO ALL OF YOU !! I hope you all are taking care of yourselves. I just wanted to give you all an update on the future of the gifts I do for you all. I recently brought this up with people in discord to see how they would react to it. Anyways instead of you all just suggesting characters, I thought about changing up to a certain series. Well what the fuck do I mean by that? Simple. For each month it will either be an anime month or a video game month. You guys would suggest something in those 2 categories and whichever series wins, I will pick all the girls from that series and we would vote on who would win. Okay all that is probably confusing if you’re a fumbles so let me give you an example:

July would be a Anime month. You guys would suggest me an anime series, I would pick 3 and you guys would vote for which series you would like. Then I would gather all the girls in that said series and you all would vote on who I would draw! For the next month would be a video game month, and the same things would apply. See? Simple!…I think.

But renoah what if the series in question has a video game and an anime? Well that’s an easy question. Which ever game first would be what we are looking at. For example, fairy tail has an anime and a game. Since the anime came our first, it would be considered an anime. But WAIT RENOAH! What if all the characters or the majority of characters in the said series are under 18? Okay first of all, youre sick. But if it ever came to that just dont suggest it mkay??

Anyways, once that said series wins, it will be removed from play. For example, if you guys picked Rem from Re:Zero, then the series Re:Zero can not be used again for that entire year…even for the video game months.

Alright guys I gtg cuz I have to read a legal case in 20 minutes to get ready to go to court but if you have ANY QUESTIONS, be sure to drop them here and I’ll answer them as soon as I can :)



I ain't reading all that shit. I'm happy for you, or sad that it happened.


Eager to see this started and good luck on your case-law-thing.

Jesús Rodríguez Noriega

I did understand the concept a bit But let's say I would like to see Kaori and Altissia having a footjob action there that would be anime ???


Still like this idea, looking forward to seeing how it turns out!