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Once again ITS THAT TIME OF THE FUCKING MONTH! Drop ONE character suggestion here or in my dms here or Discord dms. Only rule I have is to make sure that said character is 18 years or older. That being said, IF YOU DO NOT KNOW THE CHARACTER’S AGE, it is best you do not suggest them.

Side note, but I got GOOD NEWS...or bad news...for y’all at least. Well recently I was able to get a paid internship at this law firm that does civil rights law thanks to a few connections I have. I’ll be actually working under an actual attorney that would also help me get into my masters program AS WELL as get into law school at a later date. This job is gonna be your standard 8-5, Monday-Friday type of gig. I’m really excited to start, but that does mean I’ll be a lot more busy then usual on the weekdays, which I normally do most of my drawing. So I’ll have to change up my schedule a lot and probably won’t be able to draw as much as I use to. So it’s just a heads up if nothing is being pushed out. But anyway hope you all have a good rest of your weekend!



You're new OC Altissia!


QOP Arcana (DOTA)


Lyralei, the Windranger from Dota 2! And congratulations on the new job!


Shermie from King of Fighters, also best of luck with the internship!


Piper Fallout 4