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Join Walt, Bryan, Sunday Jeff, and Tim the Record Store Clerk for an all-new Rock and Roll All Nite & Podcast Every Day where the dudes cover the 1980 album "Unmaksed".




Is there a list of the definitive songs, or even better a Spotify Playlist anyone has made?


The KISS pod is my favourite Patreon show. The streetlights on my block are a little brighter than usual and my neighbour across the street has a really powerful porch light so my house is always very well lit at night. The other night I got sick and fell asleep on the couch. I woke up at 5:30 AM with a fever and found that there had been a city wide power failure and my living room and entire neighbourhood was uncharacteristically dark and quiet. I looked on my phone and saw the Patreon notification that there was a new Kiss episode and put it on to listen. As I lay fevered, slightly shivering, alone in this familiar yet darkly unfamiliar place listening to a new episode of my favourite pod, my addled brain honestly entertained the possibility that I had died and this was the beginning of my afterlife. No light, no movement, no people, just cold darkness haunting my living room, wrapped in my flannel cotton shroud, eyes closed and listening to Rock and Roll All Nite & Podcast Every Day for all eternity.