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Transformed by magic talisman, the most rockin' podcasters in the universe are tasked to review each and every KISS album in chronological order!

Join Bry, Sunday Jeff, Tim and Walt for a journey through a music catalog that spans 20 studio albums.

Direct Link: https://youtu.be/oyCQP4pptMU


Rock and Roll All Nite & Podcast Every Day - Ep. 2



Walt looks adorable twirling in his chair


I know nothing about KISS but I love this series. Thank you TESD!!


Tim has become such a great part of TESDTown.


what are the last two letters in password I tried 1’s. L’s I’s

Double Chocolate

I'm not into KISS, which probably explains why I like the non-KISS-sounding Goin' Blind the most out of all these songs. It sounded kind of grunge to me, which made Tim's reference to the Melvins cover make a ton of sense. I looked it up and there's a 90s cover album where Dinosaur Jr. also does of version of it. Tim really adds a lot to this pod.


I'm not a KISS fan but once this is done i'll make a mix list of the definitive TESD approved KISS songs and will see if i can be converted after a few listens.




20 seconds in and I already said to myself "walts the fkn best"


Can’t get password to work any ideas


I love the format, but, if I could change one thing it would be adding a new list: The Bottom 20 Kiss Songs to Avoid/ Hit Skip. It would add just an extra small layer to the podcast and give us a base of what they consider to be a bad Kiss song.

Scott Sunders

This show brought me back to the $10 patreon tier. KISS and TESD. It doesn’t get much better than that. Loved the shoutout to Pod of Thunder in episode 1! I’m having a hard time narrowing down from a top 80 though so I’m curious to see how the top 20 plays out.


F#ck you guys just keep getting better and better.


You guys are perfect! I’ve been growing a strong love for classic rock music lately and so I’m listening to Kiss for the first time with you guys. I listen to the albums first during the day while I’m getting stuff done and then when it’s time to relax, I check these out! Can’t wait for more! I hope if this goes well for you guys you could do other artists! 🤙😊