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Hello Patrons,

Manca here, I just took over this noble job of taking care of you guys and I decided it’s time to update our Patreon system a bit.

The biggest changes are:

- Moving from “Payment per creation” to MONTHLY pledges

- Changing our reward system

- “Tactical Thursdays”

So, monthly pledges are the biggest and the most drastic change. 

This decision coincides with YouTube’s new policy regarding firearm related content and throttling videos they deem “inappropriate”. Despite our high subscriber count, our latest videos just aren’t creating the same number of views as we got in the past. YouTube is changing and we have to adapt to it. Our goal is to upload more videos to our channel, including the shorter less produced ones, because we found that people still like them and they get a lot of views.
Please let us know what your thoughts on this are and if you have any suggestions for our future videos J

The change to monthly pledges will mean less funding for us but we hope that with this simpler and more streamlined system we will attract and retain more patrons in the long run.

In regards to our new reward system – we have changed it up a bit so it’s compatible with monthly pledges. One big improvement is that I will be striving to get you guys more Patron exclusive merchandise. You’ll still be getting all the goodies as before but now also with customs designs only available through Patreon.

And what is that “Tactical Thursday” you ask? A short answer would be, a day dedicated to you guys. On Thursdays we will organize shooting challenges, play-togethers, hangouts and giveaways. The goal is to engage with you guys more and something will be happening every week.
Why Thursdays? Because Thursday is just a little Friday if you open your mind a bit…

This shouldn’t change too much for our existing Patrons, but I would still like to take this opportunity to ask if you could revise your pledges and adjust them accordingly.

PS: if you are a longtime patron, please don’t hesitate to contact us about changing, upgrading or modifying your award tier to best suit your needs

Thanks guys, you are awesome :)

- Manca
