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Hey guys, just giving you a heads up that I have reduced the cost of the tiers available. Sandwich tier is now $3, Cheese Borger is $5, and Big Boy Borger is now $15. The main reason was that I felt the tiers were over priced, and I believe this is a net benefit for all of you! 

The way patreon works is I had to make new tiers to reduce the prices, so please switch to the appropriate tiers. After switching tiers, you will not be charged anything if you picked a tier that's priced lower or equal than what you currently have (if you are going from $10 to $5 for instance) until the next billing cycle.

All posts accessible to the original tiers will be accessible to the reduced price tiers. It's a fairly simple process to switch! Here is a link if you need help: Editing your membership – Patreon Help Center

If you switch to the appropriate tiers before 7/23/2021, I will refund you the difference via PayPal. Thank you so much for supporting me and I hope to see you stick around!