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 It was a dirty, geasey gym in a corner of town where she had scored her last bottle. Sam was the supplier. He saw her pumping iron, and figured she was hard core enough to be interested in making the purchase. It didn't take much convincing, and when she ran out, she went back to the dirty gym for more.

She sauntered confidently over to the huge, hulk of a man. "I need more, Sam."

"More, what the fuck Ericka? I sold you a six month supply, and that was less than three months ago. You tellin' me you gone through it already??"

"Yeah and I don't want that pansey shit you gave me last time. I want something with more juice, something that can push me even bigger!"

"Fucking shit, you look like you've put on, what, thirty pounds of muscle since I last saw you?"

"It's not enough, Sam. I want more. I know you've got something more potent. If you don't have it, I know you can get it. I need to get bigger, and this shit doesn't cut it. By the end of the bottle, I was taking triple doses just to get a pump."

"Jeeze girl, you're crazy. I don't know."

"Look Sam, if it's money, I can pay. In cash, up front."

"Well, okay, maybe I got something for ya. But I can't vouch for how safe it is."

"I knew you had something. What is it!"

"Experimental stuff. What they call a cocktail. Part steroids, part growth hormone, part something else. Only they get this shit from animals, see? Big, muscular ones, like bears and rhinos and shit."

"Where does it come from, how does it work?"

"These south american docs, see, they take these animals apart, and they see what makes it grow big and strong, bigger than all the other animals. And they take that, and put it in this mix. They say there's nothing more powerful than this shit."

She smiled, eyebrow raised. "Sounds... stimulating."

"Look Ericka, I don't know about this shit... I'm not sure if it's even been tested."

"Oh cut the bullshit, Sam. I want it, and you're going to sell it to me."

What Ericka walked home with was a vial of greenish liquid and a syringe. Another six month supply. Maybe this one would even last that long.

Ericka asked Steven to her dorm room to help her inject the new stuff. She was wearing spandex capris, stretched taught over her expansive quads and upper calves, and a skin-tight, low-cut lycra top that showed the expansive, toaster-sized blocks of her chest and covered half her overdeveloped, hypertrophied abs.

"I want you to inject me Steven."

He looked at the syring, and the green vial. "I don't know Ericka, is this stuff safe?"

"I did some research, and this shit is supposed to be fucking nuts. I'm gonna be huge Steven, and this shit is going to get me to the next level."

"But what are the side affects? Will this stuff harm you? I care about you Ericka, and I don't want to see you hurt!"

She gave him a tender look. "That's sweet, Steven," then her face went hard as stone, "but I want *more* muscle, more strength. I'm gonna be HUGE, and this shit is gonna get me juiced. Don't you want to see me get bigger, Steven?" she smirked at him, and flexed her huge, vein-covered bicep.

"Well, you're huge now... I mean sure, I wouldn't mind, but what about..."

"Well I'm going to be bigger, stronger, and more massive. I'm going to pump this body full of muscle until I'm the biggest, most muscular person on the planet! And then I'm gonna pump it up some more! I'm gonna big a huge, freaky, massively muscular BEAST!"

Then she grabbed a syringe, sucked it full from the vial, pulled her pants down and jabbed it into her ass. She grunted as the burning green liquid entered her body. She then turned to face Steven, and did a double-bicep pose, and smiled a huge grin, exposing her teeth to the gum line.

"Check out the guns, baby. They're about to grow!" she shouted throatily. "Ungh, I can feel this stuff coursing through my system." She closed her eyes. "It burns, like the last reps during lifting. Feels good!" she moaned. She released her flex. "Damn, I'm suddenly hugely hungry. Feeding time!"

Steven helped Ericka pull pounds and pounds of raw meat from the fridge, and mixed a protein shake (with five times the normal serving). Ericka gorged herself of the meat, not bothering to sit down, barely pausing to breathe, or even chew. Steven just watched, dumbfounded and intimidated, as Ericka injested more meat in a single meal than he could eat in a week. Her mouth and chin were streaming with blood from the raw meat when she lifted the protein shake and chugged it down.

Ericka backed away from the counter and turned toward Steven, wiping her mouth with her hand. Her stomach was bloated from the huge meal she'd just eaten. "Oh yeah, I've never eaten that much at once! This shit must be working already, pumping up my appetite! Shit, I feel tingling all over. Huuugh!" she moaned and flexed, almost involuntarily. Muscles swelled in her upper body, causing the lycra to audibly expand. "I feel a pump coming on!"

She brought her arms up in a double bicep flex. Her arms were huge boulders, capped with rounded peaks and covered with blue veins that stood out against her creamy skin. With her red, short-cropped hair, the sheer volume of the muscle in her arms and shoulders made her head look too small for her body. As she held the flex, the blue veins in her arms squirmed and moved like angry worms, slowly expanding. "Ughh, yeahhh... I *feel* it working, baby!" Ericka breathed. She closed her eyes and her face tightened with exertion as she flexed harder.

Steven could swear her heard her muscles stretch and expand as he watched Ericka's biceps. The peaks slowly started to rise and expand. "Fuck yeah, grow you bastards, grow!" Ericka shouted. "RRRaaahh!" she roared, and suddenly brought her arms down in a crab flex.

Her chest exploded into a mash of striations and veins that literrally bubbled over the edge of her top. Her eyes shot wide open. "Check it out, Steven, I'm a BEAST!" she shouted as her chest expanded visibly, creating a tear down the front of her top. As she held the flex, her chest pulsed and expanded with sickening bulges of fibers and veins, until her top tore open and snapped!

She released the flex, threw her head back and laughed throatily. "Another one bites the dust! Damn, I feel pumped! This shit is amazing!"

Just then, Ericka's roommate Tina walked in. "What the hell is... Ericka? Are those drugs? What are you doing??"

Ericka's attention snapped to the 5'2", thinly-built brunette. "Shut up, you little bitch, or I'll make you my next meal!"

Tina's face went from shock to anger. "No, you listen to me you steroid freak, you better clean that shit up and make sure it never enters this room again, or I'm calling the cops!"

Ericka laughed a low, throaty laugh, then sauntered towards her red-faced roommate.

"You don't" she said, emphasizing the last word with a flex of her left pec, "tell me" flexing her right, "what to *do*" finishing with a crab flex, inches from Tina's face. The effect was hugely intimidating, and Tina stumbled back, almost involuntarily. "And if you call the cops, I'll..."

"You'll what, you'll beat me up? I'm not afraid of you!" then Tina ran for the door. She got about two steps before she felt a steel-hard grip on her wrist. "ow, ow, that hurts!" she said as Ericka jerked her back to the center of the room.

"I think you need a lesson, little girl!" Ericka said, grasping Tina under the chin. Then she powered the smaller girl straight up off the ground with one hand, and held her suspended. "I am, as you say, a freak. A huge, muscular freak of nature, pumped with the freakiest shit that makes steroids seem like tylenol. And to me, you're nothing. You're an insect." She flexed her free arm, watching it expand with freaky veins and gouges. "Look at it, bitch! Just this bicep has more muscle in it than you're whole body!"

She brought her arm down and pushed Tina to the ground.

"uungh!!" Ericka grunted, putting fists on her hips and flexing her quads. They exploded like twin volcanoes, tearing through her spandex bottoms, which quickly snapped and fell away. She wore a small spandex thong, which barely covered her muscular crotch and didn't conceal the huge blue veins pumping blood into her mid section. "You know what I am, little girl?" she flexed her pecs again, making them bulge and girate with muscular fury.

"I'm a monster. The biggest, freakiest human being - no, correction - the biggest, freakiest *creature* you've ever seen. I'm getting so muscular, I'm going to be super-human. Look at me bitch!" Tina finally looked up, cringing in fear on the floor.

"Yeah, that's right." Ericka inhaled deeply through her nose. "I can smell it, bitch, I can smell your fear. It gets me hot! And you should be afraid" she growled, leaned forward, and did a huge most muscular pose. Her entire body shook and expanded by inches, as sweat poured from her skin. "I'm a beast!!" she shouted. "And you" she grunted, straining with her flex, "are nothing" she breathed again, "but MEAT!"

Tina quaked in fear before the wall of muscle before her, too scared to move. Ericka finally released the flex. She went back to the fridge, and pulled out a huge, raw leg of lamb. She walked back in front of Tina and said, "Watch this, bitch!" Then she opened her mouth and took a huge bite, tearing the meat off the bone, and swallowing without even chewing. She growled. "This is you, bitch. Just a stack of meat!" She took another huge bite, tearing the meat and swallowing. "You're the prey. And I'm the predator!" she said, tearing another hunk off the leg. "And if you fucking do anything that I don't like," she tore the rest of the meat off and swallowed, consuming 10 lbs of meat in four bites, "I'm going to eat you the fuck ALIVE!" Then she broke the bone and shoved both halves in her mouth. With a huge crunch, she crushed the bones and swallowed. "rraaghh!!" she growled and flexed a mighty most muscular flex, muscles expanding and veins protruding obscenely. Tina's bowels released involuntarily from fear, and she passed out.

"Ha, fucking pussy." Tina breathed, then grabbed the crumpled form and threw her over her shoulder. She carried her out through the hall, not even caring that she was naked, and dumped her in the common area. When Tina awoke, she went straight to the administrative office to request a transfer, and Ericka never saw or heard from her again. 




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