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Summer Time 

Think summer time fun idea, women in yoga pants or short shorts, sweat dripping down boobs, horse racing, dinosaurs, alcohol, etc


  • Drop a request
  • One comment per patron and one idea gets picked.  But I kinda Sketch a bunch
  •  Work with others and expand their ideas, or show your love on their idea, the more love the more chance it'll be picked  



Please could you do a follow-up to the Sunset Shimmer horse TF you did, with Sunset on all fours and presenting herself to Applejack's stallion, having nearly completed her transformation into a mare in heat, both physically and mentally?


diana lombard from martin mystery transforrms into a horse. she sits on her horse butt with horse legs and a full ddevelopt horse tail. her body expands up to her still human bust. Her arms are still human, but one hand turns into a hoove. horse ears poke through her hair.