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cleaning them up slowly, debating whether or not I should post this one everywhere or wait until the others done, I should probably wait, I have no idea when the next one will be done 




honestly I kinda like the idea of putting out something like this on its own, even if the next page is still a ways off; having chara attack asriel and then show his anger coming to the fore is sure to put people in a tizzy for a cliffhanger, heh


Thank ya soooooooooo much for getting dis out to us! Ya doing great pls take all time ya need ! I understand ya life is busy and I hope things get easier for ya! Also I imagined chara ta be able to teleport , have da black vine stuff and shoot da red stuff and be able to make marks in da air and like make them dash fowards when she wanted them to! Ya doing a great job! Thank ya gain!