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I saw my friend Will Smith just tweet out the word "Whelp" the other night, before I knew anything about an Oscar Scenario.  I was just like yeah, man.  Whelp indeed. Let's talk about young creatures or whatever. It's your time.  And we've built up sufficient trust by now for me to say "sure."  You wouldn't be bringing it up unless you had something novel on offer.  Let's get into it.

But this is why he calls himself Not That Will Smith!  Because he isn't the other one! Except, nobody else really seems to know that.  They're telling him that he's a super bad person, because another person who could not be anymore unlike him on any axis did something on teevee.  They could maybe look at his profile pic or something, and perhaps come to the conclusion that this particular Will Smith was a red haired, almost translucent white man.

Excited and intrigued that there are enough ancient RPG perverts who remember Shadowrun to rock the vote and get it selected for the One Shot.  Truth is…  Seattle is actually the home of that game, inside and out.  I'm gonna start going through my contacts and see if we can hook up with one of its progenitors for the stream! Wish me luck.

I don't think we know exactly where the meetup is at East, but Jason ("Mr. Vrieze") will collect and relate this info to you at an actionable time.  I'm getting kinda cranked up for it.  Lotta good stuff this time around, and I'm already thinking about West.  What is the world even going to look like then?  Is it dangerous to ask this outloud?  I'm gonna shut up.

See you soon,




Jason Montgomery

I want to go to West this year. Don't jinx it.


Quality strip. And RIP Will's twitter. 🤣