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Oh, man. So much has happened! Sorry this strip was so late; we already wrote the other one and it'll be along MUCH sooner than the last one.

I've actually gotten my full regimen of shots since last we spoke, and I'm glad that I was already in bed when the second one hit because getting all the way there from the office downstairs  would have been New Game+ levels of difficulty. I don't regret getting it; I like having some measure of protection against the fucking plague, and even if my defenses are breached it's nice to know that I'd be spared the worst of its ravages. But I was shivering myself apart from the "cold" under five blankets, and I was sweating through my sheets for three days. My right arm didn't work so good, and trying to adjust my body in order to sleep took a surprising amount of time. I use my right arm a lot, apparently. Like, a surprising amount.

Brenna got hit almost exactly twelve hours after her second shot, and I won't go into some of the more pronounced effects here, except to say that it was an indecorous affair.  Beyond that, she moaned and growled without being conscious it was even happening, the same way she did when the children were born. So, I didn't have a lot of fun, as I described in the paragraph just above this one, but it wasn't worse than what she got. I just tried to take care of her.

And I did most of the things I was supposed to do, but I messed up on these and I feel bad.  From the moment I got the first shot some portion of time stopped flowing until the next one, and then once I recovered I realized that I'd sort of lost a month to it. Just… the idea of it. That month contained the year we'd lost. I thought maybe I'd gotten away with it somehow, I still had to live it obviously but I didn't have to feel it, and instead what happened is that I had to feel it all at once.

Mike hasn't gotten his second one yet, and no matter how bad it is it won't be as bad as I've been telling him. I told him that scarab beetles hatched in my sinuses and then escaped however they could. I feel like he's set up for success, now.




Jonathan Bates

Thank you, Jerry! We're all ok with you guys taking the time to take care of yourselves and your families through this pandemic!


Mike, the scarabs will come out your eyes. It's gonna be awful, but hey, it will create great content!




Do you feel that the googly eyes might make the shells less... Majestic? XD


One of us. One of us!

Zack Rhodes

Glad to hear you guys are all doing ok!

Jason Montgomery

I just ordered my first Gunpla kit thanks to you. An Entry Grade RX-78-2 from a local shop that sponsored an online anime con last weekend.


Second shot injects you with Broodax. That's how it happens.

Mikko Simonen

Thanks to y'all I have to keep reminding myself that I'm really poor and can't buy Gunpla.