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I received a jury summons once, about twenty years ago.  I went downtown into a room full of people because that's just how we were doing stuff back then!  I felt their hot breath on my neck.  Well, not really.  But I have a lot of memories of things like that, onces I have to pause in the middle and be like, "that's what was normal most of the time."

Dreams are a weird place to have these realizations too.  At some point, I'll be like, fuck!  My mask!  Where is my mask.  This typically clues me in to the fact that I'm dreaming, and once I know that, I can basically do whatever I want in a dream - but the weirdest thing is that it never occurs to me to just not have any COVID.  The first instinct is to manufacture a mask.

Anyway, I went downtown and answered their questions and however I answered them must have been bad because they didn't call me back.  The same thing happened to Brenna!  There is something about us that keeps us from being rich, pure jury material.  I suspect that Mike won't get called back either.  I was the most reasonable version of myself possible during their interrogation.  No way they don't perceive the starveling black tendrils that reach out from him in all directions.

Hey!  I hope you're enjoying the adventures of Dr. Francesca Void in the Mage game we have put together for you!  I love everybody at the table, but I never get to play with Kiko in games like this so that really stands out to me.  Also, I guess I've never actually tried to model anything close to my own bewilderment at social interactions, so that's kind of fun also.  Mage was the first RPG I ever played with Mike, and it would be something like ten years before I was able to pull him into D&D.  You probably know that part of the story.

It's a me,





Mage: the Awakening was the game that got me back into roleplaying games after like, a decade away from the hobby, so it'll always hold a special place in my heart. A couple of the people in my group had played Ascension, so we ended up pulling some stuff from it into our game, too. Both games' settings and philosophies seem like they would work really well for a streamed game and I could not be more excited to see what y'all do with it!


Oh boy, jury duty. I bet they could sense the free thinker in you and wanted to not have a hung jury. Or maybe I’m projecting.


Part one and two are up now if you'd like to check them out :)

Jason Montgomery

I got called for jury duty just once, several years ago. I'm in Canada so I'll bet the procedures are different. I went in with everyone else to the courtroom on that day, they took roll call, and had us all watch a video about the jury process. Then after a little while the judge came in and said that due to extenuating circumstances, they couldn't use any of us! We were all sent on our way and the judge decided to let off with just a warning the people who didn't show up. I then winged by Starbucks for a coffee, and headed off to the office. And that was my sole jury duty experience.

Mikko Simonen

I am weirdly jealous of Americans for their jury summons. How come so many people seem automatically opposed to jury duty?

Allison Stewart

They don't compensate as well as a part-time minimum wage job and , while most employers have to let you have the tome off, they don't put anything extra in your paycheck. Well, they might let you use vacation, but who wants to spend their vacation n a jury trial?

Allison Stewart

Lawyers select against independent thinking.