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Catch up with the team and guest host Elyssa Grant.


Allison Stewart

Yum. Lemon scones with raspberry jam.

Allison Stewart

Jam is a movement. Blackberries are in season here, but I can't find any.

Allison Stewart

Try the sausage biscuit with grape jelly. Do it. Do it, do it, DO IT!!

Allison Stewart

There should be more Waffles Inc!!

Allison Stewart

What goes in the Anna Prosser Spritzer?

Allison Stewart

Kate, have you tried taping a cotton ball over the speaker??

Allison Stewart

I just don't think I could drink a "virile scotch" 7year old or no. But now I want a rusty nail....

Allison Stewart

Please do this again, only forever. Please.


Loved listening to this. Thanks.