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That's you! Up there! If you were at the PAX South meetup! If you weren't you're not up there! That's ok though! We'll get you next time!

This month on Club PA

The "C" Team Returns 

The long winter is over, and new episodes of The "C" Team will be showing up on your feed, ad-free and downloadable, every Thursday at 7pm. One of the side effects of this, of course, is that the mandatory emails sent out can be a bit spammy. If you don't want to see them, set up a filter in your email client to screen [Podcast] or [Video]. They'll still go into your podcast feed and be available for your perusal whenever you like, you just won't get an email. Sorry, there's nothing we can do about the email problem on our end, that feature doesn't exist in Patreon yet :(

Merch Merch Merch Merch

If you signed up in May, it's time for your 9 month merch package! We're excited about this one, because it's brand new, original, exclusive, never seen before merch. I'm excited to reveal it, but I also know that generally people don't want to be spoiled, so won't reveal it yet. 

The bad news is that due to a manufacturing issue, we're unlikely to have the package ready to ship until March. The way we handle this on your end is that the order is created on our end during the month when you gain access to it (normally the middle of the month, to give room for credit card declines etc) and if we can't fulfill it immediately, the order simply sits there until we can.

The upshot of this is that your order will definitely be created in February, and even if you need to leave Club PA or have some other kind of issue, you'll still definitely get your 9 month merch package as soon as the item enters our warehouse.

The 2019 pin is also now here! You might have already received yours, if you just passed the six month mark! We love doing these designs, and seeing them on your lanyards at PAX is a particular treat. We're already working on the 2020 one, I'm not even kidding.

Fangs Fangs Fangs Fangs

Our adventures into the land of Vampire: The Masquerade continue apace! The reception to this series has been great, and we're hoping to add a second monthly game in March to get more of this onto your screens. Our next game is streamed live for Merch tier subscribers at 10am on Friday the 15th of February, with a VOD to follow soon after. We'll be releasing the podcasts to the $5 tier shortly afterwards! You may not have noticed (it was a subtle change we didn't telegraph much) but if you're at the $5 tier we recently made all the old Vampire podcasts available to you if you'd like to catch up.

The game is officially now titled The Court Of Cups, further proof that democracy fundamentally does not work. Dora is working on some kickass branding for the show (possibly including a new overlay soon) and we were lucky enough to commission fantastic artist Laura Wilson to create character portraits for us, the first of which should be ready in time for the next game! I can't wait for Dogfood...

In the mean time, our first piece of fan-art has been created courtesy of Club PA member ComedyReflux. Check it out here. If you have any other stuff you've done for The Court Of Cups or perhaps The A.V Club, be sure to send it our way!

Another Stream!

We have another stream in the pipeline, featuring our beloved design team and DM'd by known archfiend Ghostly Clockwork. A Club PA poll will, of course, be involved somewhere. Watch this space for scheduling.


The DLC podcast will be recorded next week! It better be! I swear to god! I will turn this car around! Seriously though, we have a whole new recording setup to get this one to work, and we're excited to put it to work.

This Old Lair is also approaching. We're hoping to get Elyssa "Egg Rant" Grant to come in to tell us about the process of creating a D&D book, which is a thing we just did. Depending on how diligent they are about avoiding spoilers, we may (contractually) have to delay the release, in which case we'll have someone else on instead. Keep your eyes peeled, etc.

Ok this is pretty long, I should go now. 

How To Do Club PA Stuff

This goes at the end of every newsletter:

Where can I find my merch codes?

On Penny-Arcade.com click "Sign In With Patreon" to link you Club PA account. After that, just click on your username to access a pop out with all of your merch codes. This is also where any special offers etc will go. Your merch codes can be applied to any Penny Arcade products on the store, but won't apply to partner merchandise (e.g Kris Straub's stuff) or charity products (e.g Child's Play or the Pride pin set). It might be a few days into the month before it refreshes, to allow a little time for people to figure out card declines etc. Don't panic!

Something went wrong with my merch package or other Club PA shenanigans, who do I call?

Shoot an email to pgroome@penny-arcade.com. If Patrick can't figure it out, he'll know who can. 

I have comments about how things are going, or want to give my opinion on Club PA!

That's pgroome@penny-arcade.com as well. We're genuinely interested in all your feedback, so don't be shy. 




What a fine-looking group of people! On a related note, is the Club PA photo from Unplugged somewhere? I glanced quickly through previous posts but didn't see it.


I'm going to do a post with all of the 2018 ones once Dabe tracks them down :)


Like this if you want Dabe to be in the pictures


Hey I'm in that! I'm above Mike's right shoulder


Is the February Merch package still coming? I haven’t received mine yet.


It’s still coming! We had manufacturing issues, but it’s scheduled for mid April