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Alright!  I'm tucked into my office with my dog Mr. Bennet, my keyboard has received its annual cleaning, and this tiny room is warmed almost exclusively by a Geforce 1080.  Now, the newsletter may begin.  

In truth, I had the most normal Christmas in a while.  The last four months have seen three PAX shows, two funerals, and innumerable other trips.  At some point I said that what I wanted for Christmas was… nothing.  And as much of it as I could get.

I was trying to write about it in the post for a while, but I could never get it quite right.  Possibly I'll be more successful here, in this context.

I said as much when I was cutting a cake dedicated to Penny Arcade's twentieth year: twenty years was not a guarantee at all.  We had to learn a lot in a very short amount of time.  We had to trust each other a lot.  I was extended grace.  And now… this is the best year we've ever had, and two of the biggest projects we're working on don't even come out until next year.  So, yeah.  Knowing there were people out there who genuinely gave a shit about what's we get up to was kind of incalculable over the last couple years, so thanks for being someone outside of all this that I could talk to from time to time.  I needed it. 



Matthew Fields

Looking forward to enjoying the ride to 25

Zack Rhodes

We’re all in this together, Jerry! Congrats again on 20 years of Penny Arcade, and here’s to many more successful years to come!


You're the best Jerry and this year is gonna be better than last


Thanks for everything you guys do. From D&D, to beer crafting, to gaming in general, your shows and content have opened my mind up to so many things I love and enjoy. Here's to a happy new year, may many more prosperous ones be on the way.


Merry Christmas and happy 20th anniversary!


I love that PA has been there almost from the start of my life with the Interwebz...may it always be so!

David Carpman

Jerry you don't know me, but I'm here for you friend


Here's to 1000 years of PA


Happy New Year Jerry! I understand the need for quiet and I'm glad your holidays provided that to you. I hope the year treats you well and I look forward to all the wonderful things brewing!

Jason Montgomery

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, Jerry. And I think I'll add The Black Stone to my holiday repertoire.


These projects sound great and I look forward to seeing them. Oh and also excited about another PAX in ... what two weeks? GET HYPE FOR QUESO PAX FOLKS!


We're always here for you Jerry. If you need anything of the community, just ask. You or anyone else at PA. Thanks for engineering so much joy.


I appreciate the opportunity to listen to you. While the comic and the projects are always a delight, I’ve been a decade fan more for what you have to have to say than any other reason. In scripturam veritas.


I totally care about what you do and am very grateful for it.


You and your team are such a huge inspiration. The fact that my Patreon account is an actual focus of my own creative output and not just a place to support other peoples creative output is due in no small part to The "C" Team. I'm glad to support your work because it is not just high quality, but a beacon for others to follow and achieve their own dreams.


I'm English so this kind of thing doesn't come easy but... Love you Jerry. You and Mike have genuinely made my life better. Thanks man. Eurgh that was gross, let's never speak of this again...